The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1356: Jedi counterattack (7)

After everything was done, Shen Yanxiao returned to the Moonlight Horde with Suzaku, Shen Jing and An Yi.

The elves who witnessed an unusually brutal game were trembled with caution and the liver went back to each family to find each mother.

But everything today will be spread throughout the Emerald City in a very short time.

Early tomorrow morning, all the elves in the Emerald City will know what is happening today. They will also always remember the extremely powerful and extremely elf.

Shen Yanxiao returned to the Moonlight tribe, An Yan sat in the hall, looked at the door quietly, and saw Shen Yanxiao returning innocently, seeing the intact silver badge on her chest, An Yan’s expression was not Half-point fluctuations, just elegantly got up, like they did not see Shen Yan Xiao, they slowly turned away.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the back of An Yan’s departure, with a thick smile on his eyes.

Unlike the gentle feeling that Wenya gave her, her grandmother An Yan is an absolute female strongman, a powerful female elf who can rely on her shoulders to provoke the entire tribe.

She doesn't reveal her feelings too much like Wenya, but as long as she is a little more careful, she can notice her care and care in the details.

"Hey, if you don't know that An Yan is your grandmother, I really want to fall down under her pomegranate skirt. This kind of temperamental woman is so good that all male creatures are self-satisfied." Shen Jing has a high praise for An Yan. There is no trace of embarrassment, and some are just a kind of respect and admiration for the strong.

"I thought you liked the gentle type." Shen Yan Xiao smiled and smiled and looked at the scene without a serious Shen Jing.

Shen Jing gave a slight glimpse, and with his mind, he immediately understood what Shen Yanxiao meant.

He cleared his throat and deliberately stretched his face. He was very serious about Shen Yanxiao: "It is wrong to play the elders."

Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, smiled and said: "Three uncle, this is not your style, you are not so easy to be shy."

Shen Jing turned a blind eye.

Shy your sister!


"My business, you care less, the child who is fart bigger knows." As a prodigal son, Shen Jing decided not to care about the unscrupulous little guy.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and said: "I just thought that if my future Sancha is a gentle and beautiful elf like a broken snow, it will definitely be a good ending."

Broken snow gave her a good feeling, just like her mother is a gentle sister paper.

If it is true and Shen Jingyi is synthesized, it is not bad.

Shen Jing took a look at Shen Yanxiao and shook his fist.

"Smelly head, just do not go to take a bath after the exercise, a stinky, can not marry later, don't expect the three uncles I will introduce you to men."

Shen Yanxiao laughed, and immediately the soles of his feet were smeared, and Suzaku was behind him.

Then An Yi also temporarily left.

In the hall, only Shen Jing is left.

The quietness around him made the meaning of the drama of Shen Jing’s eyes dissipate. His eyes were low and his mouth was laughing, but he pulled out a bitter smile.

"Is it gentle? Maybe it is."

Shen Jing silently sighed.

A faint figure was hidden in his heart, and it was quietly branded from the moment he met.

However, Shen Jing knows that he will never join hands with the women in his mind.

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