The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1371: Heroes save the United States (3)

The three silver-level elves were quite cooperative. They attacked in different directions at the same time, and directly blocked the retreat in front of and behind Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao gnawed his teeth and found that he could not resist the siege of these three elves.

The four figures are dazzling.

The three elves are obviously the intention to implement the rain shadow, without any intention of releasing water.

Before Shen Yanxiao’s foot had just withdrawn from the encirclement, the elves of the left and right sides immediately followed up and raided a circle, and the left and right bows directly smashed toward Shen Yan’s head.

Shen Yan Xiao foot squats, flying and leaping, but the moment of dodging can not care about the elves in front, directly kicked out by a flying foot.

Petite figure flew backwards, Shen Yanxiao could not care about the pain, dexterously turned in the air, the heel just landed, she did not dare to stay, immediately twisted toes left to the left.

The trick between the real masters can be lost.

What's more, Shen Yanxiao has to face three opponents whose strength is above her.

The rosy lips have already oozing a trace of blood because of the foot. She has no flaws to wipe, and one thousandth of a second of slack will make her die.

Shen Yanxiao can only dodge, can not attack, because as long as she is caught by one of the elves, then waiting for her is no suspense of death.

A punch, a foot, a palm, and a crazy attack on the Yan Yan Xiao, this is the danger that Shen Yanxiao has never encountered.

Once, whether it was an opponent of Shen Yanxiao, Shen Yanxiao could manage it and use her mind to design her into her trap.

However, this time, the attack of Rain Shadow was too sudden, and Shen Yanxiao faced three tyrannical opponents.

What made her vomit blood is that Suzaku is not at her side at this time!

For the first time, Shen Yanxiao showed her wolverine, but she did not dare to relax a little. Even if she knew that she could not fight, she would never be embarrassed.

Rain shadow stood in the back, admiring the picture that Shen Yanxiao was forced into the desperate step by step. Shen Yanxiao’s skill was indeed real, and he could save his life after the three elves’ tricks. Every action of her, every One inch of movement has been accurately calculated, even if there is a slight deviation, she is afraid that she will die in an instant.

But what about that?

Rain shadow's mouth is sneer, she admits that Shen Yanxiao is very good, but the good elf, today must also be folded.

The speed of Shen Yanxiao is almost the fastest, but the scars on his body are constantly accumulating. With one enemy and three, they are all stronger opponents than themselves. Even Shen Yanxiao can't get rid of such a bail-out situation.

There was pain everywhere in the body, and there were several blood marks on the white cheeks. The white clothes were gradually stained with blood, but the speed of Shen Yanxiao did not fall by half.

Shen Yanxiao is a person, not a god.

When an elf was evacuated from Shen Yanxiao, she flashed to her side and grabbed Yan Yan’s arm. Almost at the same time, another elf would sink Yan Yan’s other hand. .

Shen Yan Xiaoxin screamed in a bad mood, and the elf who stood opposite him had gathered all his strength on his fist and screamed toward her face!

This fist goes down, Shen Yanxiao is not dead, I am afraid I have to be dizzy for a long time.

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