The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1374: Holding hands (2)

The cold tongue tipped open the bite of the teeth, and the cool liquid flowed into the mouth of Shen Yanxiao along the two touching lips. It repaired the **** smell in Shen Yanxiao's mouth, and the flexible tongue tipted her involuntarily. The blood is one by one, until the smell of the potion fills his taste buds.

Some hesitantly left the soft mouth, and there was a trace of instability on the beauty of Shen Yanxiao. The pair of scorpions that had been specially modified by him had begun to sway a touch of gold.

When Shen Yanxiao was in a semi-conscious state, she only felt a cool rush into her throat. The feeling of coolness quickly spread throughout her body, which slightly reduced her physical pain and made her mind recover. .

After recovering a little bit of strength, Shen Yanxiao, the line of sight gradually became clear, and the face that was repaired reflected in her eyes.

“How many bottles do you need?” The sound of the repair is still cold and snowy, but with a hint of hoarseness.

Shen Yanxiao didn't think much, but just tried hard: "All use it." The injury on her body is too heavy, her hands are broken by her own, and in order to recover in a short time, a lot of therapeutic agents must be poured.

Shen Yanxiao doesn't feel bad anyway, just think about getting better soon.

After picking up his eyebrows, Shen Yanxiao did not notice his unusual reaction.

"Good." The repaired and fallen should be down, finished, with one hand on the edge of the bed, holding a bottle of new therapeutic agent in one hand, the thumb is pulled out and the bottle cap is opened, then...

Head up in the entrance.

Shen Yanxiao, who was still very weak, immediately opened his eyes after seeing the act of repairing.

What is he doing! !

Isn't this medicine for her drink?

Even if he is thirsty, he can't grab drugs with her injury!

Just as Shen Yan was stunned, Xiu had already paid for it and kissed the soft mouth again.

Because of the shock of a little idiot, the repair did not bother to open her teeth, and the cold tongue tipped with a cool potion.

Shen Yan Xiao Yan’s eyes widened, and the bed was sloppy!

What are you doing?

Shen Yan Xiao’s self-confident brain has completely died at this moment, and all the sensors on the whole body are concentrated in the little mouth that broke into her mouth...

There is no body temperature, and his tongue is as cold as a pharmacy, but this is cold, but in the deep mouth of Shen Yanxiao, there is a burst of numbness.

The coolness, brushing her teeth, licking her lips, hooking, led her lilac tongue to dance.

The slightly bitter medicinal agent, when intertwined with the tongue, also appears to have a sweet taste.

If it is not too much blood loss, Shen Yanxiao is now afraid of having been red from the hair to the toes.

Knowing that in the mouth, the bitterness of the medicinal agent disappeared completely, and the repairing slowly released the small mouth that had "recovered" a little ruddy.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the man who was covering himself above her. She was surprised to find that the eyes had been changed unconsciously, and his left eye had completely faded the camouflaged brown.

A golden scorpion, and a brown scorpion flowing with golden streamer, rehabilitated the light, shrouded in the top of Shen Yanxiao, his long hair slipped off his shoulder with his movements, gently swept over Shen Yanxiao sensitive The neck side.

This moment of repair, squatting under the body exudes a suffocating charm.

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