The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1378: This hatred is not a woman (2)

"Are you an idiot? You can't run it? You can make yourself like this, you are alive soon!" Suzaku looked at Shen Yanxiao reluctantly, strode to the bed and ignored the standing side. The repair, full of distressed look at Shen Yanxiao.

It’s all blood!

It’s all blood!

How can his master become like this!

"You are an idiot! Your brain! Your ghost idea! How can you let the idiot elves punch you like this, how can you..." Suzaku's ruddy face is covered with tears, and more The words have been replaced by whimpers. He trembled and did not dare to touch Shen Yanxiao, fearing that he accidentally touched her wound.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the Suzaku, who was crying for the first time in front of her eyes. The heart was warm and the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

"Stupid, I am not okay? I haven't died yet, but I broke my two hands. Isn't this also necessary?" Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and looked at Suzaku with a reddish look.

This silly beast, from the initial pride to the stupidity of the present.

Everything he did was for her.

It is her fault to let him cry.

"You think you are awkward! You have two hands!" Suzaku cried in silence.

Both hands are broken, how much pain?

As soon as I thought of my hateful and lovely master being made by several elves, Suzaku wanted to drown the entire Shenyue continent in the sea of ​​fire!

"I'm fine." Shen Yanxiao sighed.

"Cheat me! You like to lie to me! It must be very painful, right? You have shed so much blood..." The bed was red and the thorny Suzaku eyes hurt.

"You don't want to open me anymore. Wherever you go, I will go there. If you die, I will be with you. You don't want to open me again. You go to Moonlight City, I will live in your body. You don't want to open me again..." Suzaku cried as helpless as a child. He never thought that he would be so incompetent. When his master was in danger, he was not around her, even protecting her. No ability.

She could only watch her breathe in bed, and Suzaku felt that she was a waste for the first time.

What **** beast, can not protect the owner, he is a waste!

Shen Yanxiao looked at Suzaku, and his heart hurt.

Today's thing is that she is too careless and has nothing to do with Suzaku, but this stupid beast is stubbornly blaming herself for all reasons.

Shen Yanxiao’s heart is long, and Suzaku is good to her. She knows that the more she does, the less she wants to rely too much on Suzaku.

She doesn't want to be a weak person, she has to repair everything and Suzaku helps her out.

She must be strong enough to be qualified to stand by them, mutual support, not unilateral dependence.

Shen Yanxiao has her own stubbornness, so she rarely resorts to repairing and Suzaku. She does not want to turn herself into a parasite.

Otherwise, she can use the soul mode between the beginning and the repair from the beginning, forcing herself to repair her opponents everywhere.

Not that she can't, but she doesn't want to.

"Well, I won't leave you anymore, you will be with me, and you won't go anywhere." Shen Yanxiao softly calmed the solitary Suzaku, if her hand still has consciousness, she really I really want to open my arms and put this painful little Zheng into my arms and tell him that she is really fine.

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