The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1386: More than anyone else (5)

"You!" Rain shadow widened his eyes and looked incredulously in front of his own eyes, intact as Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao suffered multiple injuries on the same day. She knew very well that the rain shadow itself also relied on the fruit of the tree of life, but the scar on the neck was not completely healed. The pain of Shen Yanxiao was not lighter than her. It’s the same as nothing.

"Miss Rain Lady still recognizes it, it is an honor." Shen Yanxiao walked to the front of Yuying's bed, holding the wall of the bed with one hand, and leaning forward with a slight smile on the pale rain.

That style is almost no different from the flower thief who broke into the mortuary of a good woman.

"Yan Xiao! You are so bold! I dare to go to the Qingyuan tribe to let go!" Rain shadow looked at Shen Yanxiao with horror. She was mad because she had three powerful silver elves around her, but now she The only one of the maids around was also stunned by Shen Yanxiao.

Rain Shadow is not conceited to think that he can single out the point of depression.

On the day of Shen Yanxiao's battle against three silver-level elves, there is still a room for struggle. If you change into a rain shadow, I am afraid that the other party will be in a different position.

The rain shadow is like a frightened cockroach, holding the quilt to shrink himself to the foot of the bed.

"It turns out that you still have the strength to swear at me. It seems that the fruit of the tree of life is really easy to use. I just don't know. It can save you a few times. If I kill you now... can you still live?" Yan Xiao smiled at the rain shadow, and the cheerful tone was like discussing the weather.

As everyone knows, there is no smile at all in her eyes. The strong killing has already risen.

"You can't kill me! If you dare to move me, my father will not let you go! Elf king will be angry!" The rain shadow trembled and curled himself into a ball, where there is arrogance of the day.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and said: "As long as you are dead, no one knows what I did."

"You can't!" Rain shadow panicked, and she remembered the words that Shen Yanxiao said when she was suppressed. She said that as long as she survived, she would "reward" herself!

"I can't?" Shen Yanxiao raised her eyebrows. She suddenly reached out a hand, grabbed the rain shadow's hair, and slammed her down from the bed.

Rain shadow screams, her body is still weak, where is Shen Yanxiao's opponent, she can only let Shen Yanxiao her rude to the ground.

"Miss Rain Shadow, you remember clearly, there is nothing I can't do in this world, only I don't want to do it." Shen Yanxiao kicked the rain shadow to the ground, petite and neatly sitting across the rain In the back of the shadow, the hair in the hands of the rain is still dead.

The rain shadow was so painful that the hair that was slammed backwards seemed to tear her entire scalp down. She could only passively lean back.

Shen Yanxiao sat on the waist of the rain and looked forward, heading forward with a strong killing eye, sweeping through the shadow of the rain shadow.

"Despite your call, you can rest assured that I have put down the enchantment scroll in your room. If you call it a broken day, your father and your friends will not hear a little bit of noise." In the shadow of the rain shadow, the cruel truth was slowly revealed with a very soft voice.

Rain Shadow's face is full of despair, she never thought she would have such a day! !

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