The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1391: More than anyone else (10)

The rain curtain is betting.

Gambling Yan Yan’s position in Shen Yan’s heart.

An Yan is for Shen Yan Xiao Cai to go to the Qingyuan tribe. Shen Yanxiao can't care about her at all, otherwise she will not ask for the conditions for him to teach.

It can be said that An Yan is now the only bargaining chip for the rain curtain and Shen Yanxiao. He can only hold An Yan’s life and negotiate with Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao chuckled and did not respond to the threat of the rain screen. She raised her hand directly and pulled out the arrow that passed through the left hand of Rain Shadow.

The next second, she slammed it on the wrist of Yu Ying.

The screams of screaming, immediately rang through the earth!

"Rainbow, you don't make a mistake. Now your daughter is in my hand. You should be very clear. Anyan has nothing to do with me. I am just a good helper. If you don't want to hand her over, It doesn't matter if I come out, I will take your daughter to discourage at most. I have to look at it. It is the weight of An Yan in my mind, or the weight of rain shadow in your mind." Shen Yanxiao evil hooked lips The horn is like a demon.

The rain curtain was completely dumbfounded. Looking at her daughter's pale face, listening to Shen Yanxiao's cruelty to the extreme, the rain screen felt like she was going crazy.

"Yan Xiao, you should not be too much, An Yan is for you to come to the Qingyuan tribe, do you really have to bear to see her suffering?" The rain curtain is heart-to-heart, but he dare not easily agree with Shen Yanxiao, An Yan already It is his last chip.

He did not believe that Shen Yanxiao was as unsatisfactory as she said.

“Is it?” Shen Yan’s mouth showed a cruel smile. She got up and stepped on the back of the rain shadow. She bent over and pulled out the dagger that was nailed to the palm of her right hand.

"You killed Angela, I will take the pulse of your daughter's limbs now, and you will soon know that I can't bear it." Shen Yanxiao holds the blood-stained dagger, and the green scorpion is slightly Pick up, no jokes.

Seeing that Shen Yanxiao is going to start, the rain screen can no longer scream out!

"Don't hurt the shadow! I promise you! I promise you everything! I will put Anyan here!"

Shen Yanxiao is a madman!

Downright madman!

The rain curtain has no courage and Shen Yanxiao continues to gamble.

Shen Yanxiao said that even if she has anything to do with An Yan, she is not a blood relative, but Yu Ying is his only daughter. If Shen Yanxiao wants to give up Anya, then his daughter is not going to be him. The willingness to kill is dead!

The rain screen can't afford to gamble and don't dare to continue to gamble.

Shen Yanxiao smiled with satisfaction and sat back in the chair gracefully.

This is her game, everything is under her control, the rain screen can never be turned over!

If you don’t shoot, it’s bound to be a must!

Looking at Shen Yanxiao step by step to force the rain curtain to nowhere to retreat, standing at the door of the Wu En, their eyes are extremely complicated.

In their impression, Shen Yanxiao has always been an elder who loves the young and loves the young, gentle and kind. They dreamed that Shen Yanxiao would actually do things so.

Looking at the horrible rain shadow, I am very confused about their mood.

They are all elders of the older generation, and they are not eroded by pollution. It is really difficult to accept such a **** picture.

They hoped that Shen Yanxiao would give the rain shadow a happy, rather than torture her.

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