The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1395: Heavenly condemnation (3)

"The rain screen killed the saint, according to the laws of the Shenyue mainland, how to deal with it?" Shen Yanxiao stood in front of the door, smiled and asked the shocked Wu En.

I am a little bit stunned.

Is it that Shen Yanxiao is planning to...

"Little Xiaoer, you want to..." I am a little surprised.

In the Shenyue mainland, killing the saint is a felony, and the murderer must pay for it, and even the tribe where the murderer is located will be greatly implicated.

"The saint is an important existence to protect the tree of life. At this time, it is necessary to tell the Elf King." Shen Yanxiao said that the integrity is straight, and the smile on his face can not find a trace of nothing.

I was amazed. Although he didn't know why Yu Ying suddenly blocked the knife, but he had a very strange thought in his heart.

Isn't it, the death of Yu Ying has been expected from Shen Yanxiao from the beginning?

But then, Wu En denied his thoughts.

The elf does not have the ability to control other elves, and how can Shen Yanxiao calculate the rain screen?

"I will talk to my month about this matter." Wu En swept away the guess in my heart. The problem now has nothing to do with Shen Yanxiao. The rain screen kills the rain shadow. Even if he is the biological father of Yu Ying, killing the saint is also a dead end. One.

Even with it, the entire Qingyuan tribe will be punished.

Shen Yanxiao smiled and looked at An Yan, who was shocked.

"Anyan leader, thank you for everything you have done for me, you are the leader of the Moonlight tribe, the Moonlight tribe can't lose you, and please protect yourself."

Anyan’s eyes shook a little, and there was a smile on his face.

She finally understood that her little granddaughter was not a little girl who needed her to protect. Shen Yanxiao had grown to be strong enough, and she was able to solve her own troubles.

The rain curtain is crazy, and the death of Yuying brings a huge shock to the Qingyuan tribe. No elf will go to Chen Yanxiao at this moment because they are quiet and desperate.

Shen Yanxiao and Wu En, they left the Qingyuan tribe, and the disaster of the Qingyuan tribe really began.

Only Suzaku knows that whether it is the death of Yu Ying or the madness of the rain screen, it is planned by Shen Yanxiao.

From the very beginning, Shen Yanxiao did not intend to let the rain shadow and the Qingyuan tribe. The treatment of the tiger head and snake tail on her surface actually took the Qingyuan tribe and the rain shadow to the door.

The weeds do not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows again.

It is absolutely impossible for Shen Yanxiao to let the rain shadow and the rain curtain survive, otherwise it will be difficult to ensure that they will not have a day of turning over.

At that time, the unlucky one must be Shen Yanxiao.

Therefore, from the moment I entered the city of wind, Shen Yanxiao set all the traps, waiting for the Qingyuan tribe to step into the abyss step by step.

Rain shadow she wants to kill.

Qingyuan tribe she wants to be removed.

But these two things can't be done by her own hands.

Because she has to enter the Moonlight City, she must follow the laws of the God of the Moon.

By the knife to kill people, Shen Yanxiao played very beautiful.

At that time, in the rain shadow room, except for the rain curtain, there was no elf of the Qingyuan tribe. No one knows what Shen Yanxiao had done in the room.

The knife that kills the rain shadow in the rain screen is in the room. Anyone will think that the death of the rain shadow is caused by the rain screen.

Shen Yanxiao, the initiator of this, can rest easy.

The rain curtain never dreams, the elf that made him feel free to round and flat, but became the existence of destroying the entire Qingyuan tribe.

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