I feel that my dignity has been hit as never before...

The reaction of Shen Yanxiao's calmness has caused his self-esteem to be greatly traumatized.

It angered the low roar, struggling to shake the body, and made a huge noise on the chain.

Shen Yanxiao still has no reaction.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside the gate of the dungeon. Shen Yanxiao walked over and opened the door. He saw an elf outside the door, standing with a plate of bright red fruit.

"You are Yan Xiao?" The elf looked at Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao nodded.

The elf said: "I am the elf under the rain, the young master of the rain, you have just entered the Moonlight City. I don't know much about many things. I am now a guard outside the temple. You can ask me anything. ”

"Okay." Shen Yanxiao nodded, although the rain is not very reliable, but the work is still very stable.

"This is the food you deserve. Although this fruit is more than the fruit of the tree of life, it is of great help to our ability to absorb life. Only the elves who enter the Moonlight City can eat such fruit. Every meal will be assigned to you five fruits. Of course, this is to take care of you before you reach adulthood. When you reach adulthood, the number of fruits will be reduced to three." The elf explained to Shen Yanxiao with a glance, but it seems to be calm. His eyes are full of a hint of shackles.

In fact, for Shen Yanxiao, there are many rumors in the Silvermoon Guard.

The most one is...

Shen Yanxiao is the child-raising of the ink rain! !

Of course, no one of them has the courage to ask the parties about this.

"I understand, thank you." Shen Yanxiao smiled at the opening and reached for the fruit.

The elf completed the mission, with a subtle mood, turned and left, and the gate of the dungeon closed again.

Shen Yanxiao took a plate of red fruit and sat back on the chair. She had no desire for these fruits.

The fruit of the elf has a powerful auxiliary effect on the absorption of the power of life, but Shen Yanxiao’s absorption of the power of life has reached its limit. Even if he eats a hundred fruits, he may not have a little help. .

For her, the fruit that makes all the elves covet is really not attractive, and the taste is not as good as an apple.

"Suzaku, do you want to eat this fruit?" Shen Yanxiao asked Suzaku with a spiritual contact.

"Don't eat, this thing only works for the elves. Even if I eat it, it is the same as eating ordinary fruit, and it tastes bad." Suzaku had no idea about this fruit.

If the elves outside knew that they cherish the incomparable gain fruit, they came to Shen Yanxiao and became a few plates. I don’t know if I would cry and ask her to share.

"Unfortunately, you can't store it in the Nayong, or I can bring it to Anhe." Shen Yanxiao reluctantly sighed.

There are strict censorships in and out of the dungeons to prevent them from bringing in anything that damages the enchantment. Shen Yanxiao wants to hand over the fruit to An Yi, and there is no way. If you are discovered by other elves, you may have to make trouble.

Shen Yanxiao may not want to provoke anything when he just entered Moonlight City.

There is really no appetite. Shen Yanxiao puts the palm of the fruit in his hands and plays.

However, Shen Yanxiao did not notice that the pair of red-red eyes were staring at the red fruit in the hands of Shen Yanxiao for a moment, and his eyes were full of greed.

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