Hey, he has to take responsibility for his life.

In its consciousness, eating is the only mission in its life.

It has been pursuing food throughout life.

But I can't eat enough.

Just like rumors, the stomach of the cockroach is connected to a space outside the world. No matter how much it is eaten, it will never feel full.

If you can, it will swallow everything in the world, and when it eats all the things that can be eaten in the world, it will swallow it together.

All the fruits of Shen Yanxiao were fed into the awkward belly.

This greedy foodie finally no longer has any hostility towards Shen Yanxiao.

It seems that the eyes of Shen Yanxiao are obviously more tame.

Shen Yan Xiao knees sitting in front of his head, watching this giant behemoth like a mountain, there is no fear in his heart.

"Can you make an adult shape?" Shen Yanxiao had nothing to do, and he chatted with him.

I thought for a while, and nodded hesitantly.

"That will become a human form, let's talk." Shen Yanxiao did not feel that he was shocked to chat with a fierce beast.

It is really because the performance before 饕餮 is too disillusive.

He twisted his body and narrowed himself a little.

The chain that is entangled in it is also a little smaller as it changes, and it is bound without any separation.

Finally, the mountain-like behemoth turned into a small group of light and shadow in front of Shen Yanxiao's eyes. After the light and shadow faded, a wild and beautiful man with a black hair and red hair appeared in front of Shen Yanxiao.

The beauty of the ambiguity is different from the earth-shattering of the repair, and it is different from the gentleness of Shen Siyu, but an absolute wild domineering.

He is like a fierce master in the world, sitting on the ground, a black robe, and his domineering support.

However, Shen Yanxiao had not had time to sigh at the beauty of the wild beauty, only to hear a bang.

The tall body was like a deflated ball, which quickly shrank, and a group of fog wrapped him in it.

When the fog dissipated, a pink and small girl who seemed to be about the size of Suzaku sat so stupidly in front of Shen Yanxiao’s eyes. The oversized clothes were draped over the mini-small body, making him stupid. Looks like it becomes more lovely and harmless.

"Wow..." The mini cockroach suddenly opened his mouth and made a childish cry.

"I am so hungry! I am so hungry! I want to eat! I want to eat!"

Like a snack, the shackles pull the chains that bind the limbs, and the ground is rolled to feed.

Shen Yanxiao couldn't help but laugh out, Shen Yanxiao's laughter, causing the direct action of the prevention of Suzaku, Suzaku directly from the body of Shen Yanxiao.

This is only a little cute bird who hates the bones. As soon as he sees the ripples in the ground, the face of shame and anger rises red and directly rushes over, and the small body that is rolling around is a big explosion!

"Don't lose people! Don't lose people! You beat Laozi's domineering! You bastard! You sell what cute! You stupid home, you know! Warcraft's face is thrown away for you! You are also holy Why don't you die!" Suzaku was so angry and angry that he was beaten with a fight against the power of no backhand.

Shen Yanxiao has completely laughed at the belly, and she really did not think that the appearance after the transformation of the shape is actually like this.

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