The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1413: Dignity of eating goods (3)

In some respects, Xiuhe has something in common, that is, engulfing.

Repair can devour the power of the demon to destroy it completely, but it can absorb it a little.

"He will never eat enough, but he can let the power reach a peak. Once he reaches the peak, he will break through the shackles of hunger and burst out of real strength. He will have the breath of the Holy Beast, and it is because he absorbed Part of the power of the tree of life, but this power is only enough for his source to reach the level of the sacred beast. He wants to add more energy to the true sacred beast. He is a need to constantly recharge to be destructive. Warcraft, once he has absorbed enough power, don't say the Holy Beast, even if it is the legendary World of Warcraft, he can resist one or two." Repair is very familiar with 饕餮, because 饕餮 is the only one in the world that is similar to his attributes.

Only the strength of the repair has reached a limit. There is no power beyond the main **** between heaven and earth. Therefore, he cannot absorb the power of engulfing, but he does not know how to satisfy, and the power of absorption is It will be consumed quickly after an outbreak.

It is equivalent to the ultimate weapon that needs to be recharged to attack.

"So powerful? You said that he still has no real sacred beast? Isn't the power of the tree of life enough for him to play the strength of the sacred beast?" Shen Yanxiao glanced at the squatting screaming, it is hard to imagine this snack. , actually has the potential to compete with the legendary World of Warcraft.

"If you continue to swallow more other power after swallowing the part of the tree of life, then he can achieve the saintly beast, but you also listen to him. He was detained by the elf after he had just swallowed the tree of life. At that time, he did not fully absorb the power of the tree of life. After he absorbed it, he was suppressed. For more than a hundred years, he did not eat again, which made his growth into a bottleneck, and In the past 100 years, the energy stored by him has been fully consumed. Now he can only play the peak of the beast and the peak of the beast. It takes a while to reach the true level of the sacred beast. Shen Yanxiao explained everything.

"Understood, I have been thinking about a problem. Before we suspected that the source of pollution is the tree of life, is the wilting of the tree of life caused by pollution? The Elf King wants to swallow the withered part, is he already aware of it? The problem of the tree of life, so I hope to eliminate the pollution with the characteristics of 饕餮?" If this is the case, then there will be a reasonable explanation for the elf to be trapped here.

"There is this possibility." Xiu agreed with Shen Yanxiao's speculation.

"Is the elf a savior? But their methods seem to be wrong. I don't think I will help those elves who have been hungry for more than a hundred years." Shen Yanxiao supported his chin, and his thoughts were simple, if the elves Using food as a bait, and talking about it, maybe there is hope, but they have been hungry for more than a hundred years, so that they are tempted to eat like a life, I am afraid that it will not help.

Shen Yanxiao fell into meditation. Her ancestors were elves. If she could, she did not want the elves to face the end of destruction.

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