The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1423: Accompanied by eternal life (1)

Shen Yanxiao felt like she was sleeping and full of energy.

She opened her eyes and confronted the pair of sun-like scorpions.

The heartbeat was steeply exposed.


“Where is it uncomfortable?” I looked at Shen Yan’s confused eyes and asked in a low voice.

"No discomfort." Shen Yan Xiao Biaoba eyes, suddenly found that she was lying in the arms of Xiu, a small face slammed into a red.

She wants to get up, but she is more tightly trained.


"You just finished the contract with you, and your body is still weak." The sound of the repair did not have a slight ups and downs, but listening to Shen Yanxiao's ears made her heart beat faster.

"I...hey?" Shen Yanxiao stupid, how did she complete the contract with Yu?

"You can't control the depth of the contract. Fortunately, your mental strength is strong enough, but you should be careful during this time. You can't easily use your mental strength."

Shen Yan Xiao Yan, Yan Mingming is her holy beast prepared for the blue seal glass!

Why did you sign a contract with her?

Doesn't this mean that she now has two contract Warcrafts?

Shen Yanxiao turned his head and looked at the cockroach sitting in the cage. He was like a child who was doing something wrong. He looked at Shen Yanxiao with guilty conscience.

Suzaku stood by the side of the beggar, a screaming posture.

If it is not for the sake of saving Shen Yan, how could he make him become a contract of Warcraft?

As soon as he thought of this idiot and he robbed the owner, Suzaku wanted to unload him eight.

"After you signed a contract with you, you can directly summon him to your body, no need to find a way to dispel the enchantment."

You are blessed by misfortune, not only bound to the owner, but now you can leave this cage anytime, anywhere, just...

I looked at the fierce Suzaku on the side and didn't dare to show any joy.

"Oh." Shen Yan Xiaomu nodded and was hugged in her arms. She felt that her body was not right, and her body would be hot.

She continually twisted her body and wanted to dissipate the heat.

After scrutinizing Shen Yanxiao’s move, he lowered his head and looked at Shen Yanxiao, who had a small face in his arms.

The eyes of the repaired eyes watched, and Shen Yanxiao immediately did not dare to move.

"You have to get used to it."

"What?" Shen Yanxiao did not understand.

"I don't have body temperature right now, you may feel a little uncomfortable, but when I get back to the body, you will get used to it."

"What?" Shen Yanxiao is even more confused.

There is not much explanation for the repair. "You are the first and the last one."

"You... what are you talking about?" Shen Yanxiao's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Between heaven and earth, can you stay with me forever?" Looking at Shen Yanxiao, the cold five senses seemed to be gentle at this moment.

Shen Yanxiao’s heartbeat stopped at this moment. She looked at the repair and looked at the powerful soul that had been with her since she was born again.

"I... I can't live that long..." Shen Yan was flustered and subconsciously said this.

The repaired slightly evoked the corner of the lips. For thousands of years, this battle of the gods of all beings reveals his first smile since birth.

"I have passed on my power to you. Between heaven and earth, as long as I am alive, you will not die. If you are not dead, are you willing to accompany me?"

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