The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1428: Tree of Life (2)

"Repair, do you say that those beasts will find my anomalies?" In front of the second level, a disguised little demon stopped, and some guilty questions in the heart of the lake, just abducted to the hand of the quasi-" fiancé".

‘With me, you are at ease. 'Repaired to Yan Yanxiao to eat a reassurance.

That's right.

Nowadays, standing in front of the checkpoint is not a matter of breaking snow, but the Shen Yanxiao after the repaired power is easy to accommodate.

It is too difficult to sneak into the tree of life. Even if Shen Yanxiao is sure to enter the life tree, he is not sure to find Wenya. After all, the snow has also been said. The Elf King is occasionally appearing, and it is still in the daytime.

When Shen Yanxiao sneaked in at night, he could only go to the residence of the Elf King, but there was an absolute restricted area. It was not possible to find out the situation there after more than a month of snowfall.

Therefore, Shen Yanxiao can only think of a way of horror.

Exchange identity with broken snow!

Shen Yanxiao will become the appearance of broken snow, enter the life tree, waiting for the opportunity to move.

During this time, the snow breaks will be able to accommodate the appearance of Shen Yanxiao.

Before leaving, Shen Yanxiao had already had a good time to cooperate with the snow break, and she had already handed over the food-filled Nayong to the cockroach, letting him eat it when he was not aware of the snow and the dyeing.

After everything was ready, Shen Yanxiao turned into a snow-breaking appearance with the help of the repair, and even the breath was repaired and changed. Even Suzaku could not smell anything unusual.

"Then I will go." Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and walked toward the second level.

However, at this time, she suddenly felt that a strange atmosphere was approaching her.

"Broken snow!" A pretty female elf suddenly came to Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse and looked at the elf.

This elf she had seen before, was the elf who stood next to the broken snow when she first met with the snow in the Moonlight City.

Broken Snow said that the room of the saint is two people, according to the room assigned to look after the combination of the tree of life, the elf in front of it is called Shi Dan, who is responsible for taking care of the tree of life together with the snow.

"Xiao Dan? You didn't go back?" Shen Yanxiao's heart glimpsed a little, and every time the snow breaks back, it will be because of the meeting with her at night. At this time, the other saints should have passed the relevant card.

How is Shi Dan still here?

Shi Dan smiled and looked at the broken snow: "I am waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Shen Yanxiao had some doubts. He did not hear the snow and there was such an agreement between Shi Dan.

"Hey, the snow has met with your little lover today? You are really, when will I let him see him? I will give you the check." Shi Dan took Yan Yanxiao's hand and smiled. The opening.

What is a small lover! !

Shen Yan Xiao Yu.

In the heart of the lake, slightly raised eyebrows.

"You don't want to be so shy, I don't agree that you won't tell other elves? You see that every time you go out to buy, you will come back so late. I am afraid that other elves will find anything, so I am here waiting for you to go back together." "Shi Dan smiled without any chance, she is all good for breaking snow."

Shen Yanxiao quickly guessed the mystery.

Estimated that the snow was always the last to go back, so Shi Dan found it, and then just found an excuse to see the "little lover", to fool the past.

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