The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1430: Tree of Life (4)

"I told you, not only our film, but other saints also said that the area they are responsible for has yellow leaves, but during this time, the elders will pick those leaves after the night, but that's it, every day. There will be new yellow leaves appearing. I don’t know what the Warcraft has done to the tree of life. It’s too much.” Shi Dan was a little angry. In the mind of the elf, the tree of life is sacred and inviolable. Warcraft hurts the tree of life, and as an elf she is angry.

Shen Yanxiao touched his nose and did not speak. He was quite innocent.

She is very skeptical that the abnormal situation of the tree of life is due to pollution, but it is impossible for her to talk about Shi Dan.

After a busy day, Shen Yanxiao and Shi Dan returned to the place to stay, although it was a two-person room, but the room here was more than five times larger than the single room of the Silvermoon Guard.

The treatment of the saint is second only to the Elf King.

In the next few days, Shen Yanxiao has been playing the role of breaking snow, but she has never met the Elf King, which makes her helpless.

However, in these few days, Shen Yanxiao vaguely felt that the tree of life was a bit strange.

Every time she approaches the tree of life, there are two kinds of induction in the body.

One comes from the dependence of the source of life on the tree of life, and the other comes from her heart.

Somehow, Shen Yanxiao is close to the tree of life every time, and my heart always produces a strong hostility.

This kind of emotion makes Shen Yanxiao feel very strange.

On the fifteenth day when Shen Yanxiao entered the planting of the tree of life, the Elf King finally appeared next to the tree of life.

Early this morning, Shen Yanxiao and Shi Dan went to the tree of life, but just past, they saw the captain of the Silver Moon Guard, burning Chu, standing on the side with a serious look, and by his side, There is also a beautiful elf wearing a white robe.

It is a beautiful and amazing elf.

The exquisite and impeccable facial features on the skin of the white jade, the green emeralds are slightly picked up, as if all the creatures in the world are not as good as the half-points of the world, the silver long hair shawl, he is just so quiet. Standing, it has become the most beautiful scenery here.

Shen Yanxiao always thought that Lance was the most beautiful of the elves she had ever seen. Although the burning of Chu was also very good-looking, but in the beauty of the United States, there was a soldier's fortitude.

But the elf in front of me is far above the Burning and Lans. If you want to let Shen Yanxiao compare, I am afraid that only the repaired appearance in the world can be slightly better, even Shen Siyu is not This elf is equally divided.

Elf King!

These words are immediately appearing in Shen Yanxiao’s mind!

"My king!"

In front of the tree of life, all the elves worship the Elf King, and they wholeheartedly admire and respect.

Shen Yanxiao followed the ceremony, but his eyes looked for another figure without traces.

Behind the Elf King, she saw a slender figure.

Not a tall human woman standing behind the Elf King with a leisurely face, there is no sense of admiration on the face, no solemnity, just a touch of smile, with a fun Looked at the elves who fell down and worshipped.

That face, completely overlapping with the phantom that Shen Yanxiao saw in the source of life, except for hair color and ochre, is almost exactly the same.

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