It is quiet at night.

The elves will go to rest, and the moonlight city is quiet.

However, the quietness of this moment was broken by the shocking beast!

Then the land of Moonlight City began to tremble fiercely, and all the elves were awakened by this sudden change.

"Yes!" Shi Dan was sitting in bed from fear.

It’s been two months since the last smashing, and when all the elves thought they would be stable for a long time, it suddenly broke out more terrible.

This time, the snoring snoring has covered the entire Moonlight City, the earth is shaking, and the power has spread throughout the city.

Some of the rooms began to falter, and the fear spread quietly.

"I will go and see." Shen Yanxiao got up and looked calm.

"Don't go! These things have the silver moon guard's elf arrangement, we... we just have to stay in the room." Shi Dan was a little afraid to hold the quilt in front of her, she had never seen the behemoth, However, I have heard of the terrible horror from the mouths of many elves.

It was a very fierce World of Warcraft. In order to subdue it, he lost hundreds of members of the Silvermoon Guard. In the end, if it wasn't for the Elf King and the Burning Tigers, I was afraid that no one would have the ability to take it.

"Nothing, you should rest first, I will go back when I go." Shen Yanxiao caressed the shocked Shi Dan, but his eyes flashed a smile.

Shi Dan wanted to discourage Shen Yanxiao, but she could only watch Shen Yanxiao leave the room, and the trembling of the earth made her dare not leave the room.

The entire Moonlight City was in a mess on this night.

The sudden violent escaping is far more than any time in the past. Even in the plantation of the tree of life, the roar of Warcraft can still be clearly heard.

All the members of the Silvermoon Guard rushed to the dungeon in the first time. This time, the movement even shocked the Burning and Elf King.

Shen Yanxiao stood by the tree of life and received a report from Yu.

Elf King, has appeared in the dungeon.

"It's time." Shen Yan Xiao licked his lips, jumped over and jumped on the tall tree of life, and climbed his hands and feet all the way. In a very short period of time, he extracted the fruit of a tree of life in a lightning-fast manner. In the arms.

In the next second, she flew and walked directly toward the palace of the Elf King.

The sky above the Moonlight City echoed with the roaring roar, and Shen Yanxiao walked in front of the Elven Palace with a terrifying beast.

The embarrassing violent walk attracted all the guards of Moonlight City. The Elf King personally dispatched and took away all the defense here.

Shen Yan Xiao swayed into the palace, and at the same time he began to perceive the power and look for a gentle atmosphere.

Soon, the repair locked the gentle position, Shen Yanxiao immediately rushed in the direction of the repair.

The huge palace, under the guidance of the repairs, was so ruined that there was no trace of confusion, and it rushed straight toward the closed door.

It was a beautiful gate, guarded at the gate, with a slap-sized precision lock.

This kind of re-locking condenses all the wisdom of the elf, and if you want to open it without a key, it is hard to go to heaven.

Shen Yanxiao slightly raised his eyebrows. Unlocking for a thief can be said to be a simple matter. She took out two wires from the Naduan ring.

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