Wen Ya may be strong, maybe she is really strong, but this one is strong, facing the enemy's firmness.

Instead of facing your own daughter.

A drop of teardrops drips on Shen Yanxiao's shoulder, and Shen Yanxiao silently holds this woman full of sorrow.

For more than a decade, at least Wenya and Shen Yu are still alive.

"How come you come here?" Wen Yaping regained his inner excitement and looked at Shen Yanxiao with care. Her daughter, shouldn't she live happily in the bright continent?

Why, will it appear in the Shenyue continent?

Still with the face of the elf.

"Speaking long..." Shen Yanxiao smiled and looked at Wenya. The mother and the daughter supported each other and sat down in the chair in the room.

Shen Yanxiao slowly told everything about his life to Wenya. In addition to repairing, all the experiences were unreserved.

Wenya listened quietly, heard the hardships of Shen Yanxiao for more than ten years, and heard the wonderful life that she has been in the past few years, Wenya burst into tears.

"In the beginning, I was attacked with your father. You were forcibly taken away. Although I can use the source of my life to keep your father's last anger, but I am not a real elf after all, I can't keep his life for too long, so I have to take him back to the God of the Moon and want to save him with the tree of life. And you, my child, I can only ask the Holy King to save you..." Wen Ya smashed the head of Yan Yanxiao.

At that time, although she was in a difficult situation, she was also seriously injured. At that time, she was unable to save Shen Yanxiao. On the one hand, she was a husband who was angry, and on the other hand, her daughter, who was unclear, Wenya was forced to a dead end. If it weren't for Shen Siyu, I was afraid that she had already been crazy about these two choices.

After receiving the promise of Shen Siyu, Wen Ya took Shen Yu back to the Shenyue mainland, above this homeland.

Shen Siyu gave her a soul to finish, can protect Shen Yu's heart, but if you want Shen Yu to completely recover, you must rely on the tree of life.

Only the powerful life force of the tree of life can make Shen Yu come back to life.

"At that time, I was still a member of the Elf family, but I was expelled from the Shenyue mainland because of my mixed status. I repatriated again. I dare not let any elves find out that I can only find the guardian moon and your little one.舅舅安染, let them arrange everything for me. But I think it is too simple, even if I can take your father into the tree of life, but can not completely hide our breath, we will be caught by the Elf King soon. I was under the control of the Elf King in this palace, and your father did not know where to go." Wenya remembered everything that year, quite sentimental.

Breaking into Moonlight City is the only way to save Shen Yu, so she has to do this.

"I saw San Shu, he gave me the seeds of the Purple Night and said that this is the key to saving his father." Shen Yanxiao took the little seed out of Nayong.

Wen Ya smiled bitterly: "Shen Jing is a good person, but now I don't even know where your father is being held. I have been afraid to act rashly for so many years. I am afraid that the Elf King will start with your father. We were caught. At the time, your father has recovered consciousness, but his body is still very weak. To completely remove the toxins from his body, he must combine the tree of life and the purple night. For many years, the Elf King has always refused to let me see your father, I Really... I don’t know where he is being locked up now."

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