The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1439: A big fight (2)

"Master~ I am very good here, they are enchanting again." The screaming in the dungeon screamed with a big mouth, and the feeding of this time made him accumulate a lot of power, even if it was just two The sound is also more impactful than the roar of the previous screaming exhaustion.

He was very diligent in completing the task that Shen Yanxiao had ordered. The four claws went all out to plan on the ground. The shape of the mountain made a tremor in the entire moonlight city.

The group of elves who saw it were frightened and frightened, and they were afraid that they would break free from the shackles and escape.

In fact, there is no such thing as wanting to run. Anyway, his master can call him freely. He is just acting now.

All kinds of sprinkling, on the ground in the dungeon, dig a big pit, screaming and screaming.

The elves in the dungeon looked dignified, and all the enchanters used all their strength to write the enchantment. The members of the Silvermoon Guards were almost all members, and they stood by the Elf King one by one.

The Elf King looked at him and his face was very unsightly.

This time, the violent walk is obviously stronger than before, and the chain tied to the shackles seems to be broken off in the next second.

"How can you suddenly run away?" The burning side of the side burned a face and asked about the security of the night guard.

An Ding's face was pale, and he also wanted to know how he suddenly made a noise.

I’ve been very honest these months, not to mention the violent, and I’m not waiting for it. Tonight, he thought it was a calm night. Where did he know that he was still snoring on the ground? Oh, suddenly it’s like a chicken blood.

An dye dare to swear, he really did not want to provoke a hair!

"I don't know. He had been sleeping before, and suddenly he ran away." An Ding felt that he was really innocent. During this time, he was careful to guard, and finally the spirit of the two days was relaxed. Give him such a hand.

"Let the Yinyue Guards keep the entrance to the dungeon, and don't let the scorpion escape!" Burning Chu immediately issued an order, and the time of this violent walk is very long. Even if the enchantment is constantly increasing, the power of 饕餮 is not the slightest. Weakened.

This has never happened before.

The previous few walks lasted for ten minutes, but now it has been more than half an hour.

The situation is not optimistic.

Where did the burning Chu know that the reason why the cockroach is so energetic, is completely given by Shen Yanxiao, 100,000 crystal nucleus to feed the belly, plus more scarce energy ore, can be regarded as a powerful toss.

Eat a small satisfaction, and hungry, the fighting power is not at a level!

If Shen Yanxiao feeds the donkey for ten years and eight years according to this scale, it is estimated that without her call, she will be able to escape from her own lock.

All members of the Moonlight City Guards of the Moonlight City were mobilized, and the three floors on the third and third floors blew the entire dungeon.

增加 While using the roar and body to increase the pressure on the elf, he chats with Shen Yanxiao cheerfully in the spiritual world.

Since signing a contract with Shen Yanxiao, he has liked the way to contact his owner at any time.

"Hey, do you want to go out and slumber?" Shen Yanxiao conveyed the words of laughter to the spirit of jealousy.

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