The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1448: Elf King's request (1)

Shen Yanxiao nodded, but once again looked at the face of the Elf King, but not very friendly.

"Since you know that my father has been saved, but he has always threatened my mother with his safety? Elf King, this is not like the style of the elves." Shen Yanxiao sneered at the Elf King, if not because of Wen Ya thought Shen Jade in the hands of the Elf King, where will be so safe and stable in the Shenyue mainland for more than ten years!

Elf King said: "I deliberately deceive Xiaoya."

"Then, how do you tell us about this account?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the Elf King with no good intentions.

"It doesn't matter how it counts, I just want to ask you one thing." Elf King said.


"Hey, is your contract beast?" Elf King looked at Yan Yan Xiaodao.

"Yes." Shen Yanxiao is not disguised.

"Can I ask you to help me a favor? No! It is a help for the elves! As long as you promise me, then after the event, my life is yours, to kill and listen to the respect." The look suddenly became dignified.

Shen Yan Xiaodao: "Do you want to let the tree of life help the tree to disperse pollution?"

The Elf King is a little glimpse.

"You knew already?"

Shen Yan Xiao Yan licked her lips, how could she not know!

Because of this pollution, she was almost killed by the Qingyuan tribe.

"Know a little, but I am very curious, what is the problem with the tree of life? Why is there pollution?" Shen Yanxiao does not want to control this black elf king, but there is a group of elves in the **** month, she cares. Moonlight tribe, moonlight tribe, any elf inside, Shen Yanxiao does not want them to be polluted.

"What is the pollution you are talking about?" Wenya did not know about pollution.

The Elf King smiled bitterly: "Pollution is a natural disaster of the elves. In fact, the tree of life has already gone wrong shortly after the end of the battle of the gods. The tree of life is sick, and every day is constantly withering, constantly Spreading its pathogens around, these are the pollution."

"After the battle of the gods and devils? Isn't the life tree not sick for a few years?" Shen Yanxiao was slightly surprised.

Elf King shook his head. "The tree of life has been ill for a long time. It was not so serious before the disease. The elf king at that time discovered the change of the tree of life. He tried every means to control the spread of pollution, but there was never What effect, pollution will not only bring unbearable negative emotions to the elves, but even it will deplete the fertility of the elves."

"There are fewer and fewer elves nowadays, and many tribes have completely perished because they did not have a newborn. As an elf king, we can't sit back and watch, so the earliest elf king thought of a way. Use oneself. The source of life draws on the pollution in the tree of life and purifies it."

"What?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the Elf King incredibly.

Use your own source of life to purify pollution?

This is simply looking for death!

Even if the Elf King is stronger than the other elves, the power of pollution can't be resisted even by the tree of life, let alone the elf?

The Elf King rolled up his sleeves, and the white arm was covered with black lines. The black marks went deep into the bone marrow, and the body of the Elf King was already eroded. It can be guessed that the Elf King’s body is except for the exposed skin. I am afraid that the rest of the place has been polluted.

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