The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1451: Elf King's request (4)

It seems that I know the resentment of myself. The Elf King sent all the food in his palace to the front of the embarrassment. Under the attack of a pile of food, although he did not wave his tail against the Elf King, at least he looked at him. The eyes are no longer naked and say "want to eat".

"Hey, you said before that the withered wood is hard to eat? Do you feel uncomfortable when you eat it?" Although I promised the Elf King to help, Shen Yanxiao also had to worry about the situation.

As soon as I heard it, I was dumbfounded in the moment, and the food contained in my mouth forgot to swallow it and slammed it on the ground.

" won't... let me eat that?" He cried, tears in tears.

If there is anything in this world that you can't eat, it is estimated that the withered part of the tree of life will rank first!

"Yes." Shen Yanxiao hardened the scalp.

His little face was covered with grievances, and his face was written "I don't want to eat, I really don't want to eat."

"Do you have to eat?" He tried to bargain.

Shen Yanxiao asked: "Does it hurt you?"

He shook his head and was very honest: "The damage will not be, it is not good."

Shen Yan Xiao Mo, even the table and chair bench can eat the relish, but actually really taste this thing?

"If there is no harm, then eat it."

"Okay." He nodded slyly, as if he knew that he would soon eat something that was difficult to swallow, and he worked harder in a pile of food.

The first time I saw the massive amount of cockroaches, the elf king suddenly almost did not drop the chin.

Shen Yanxiao got rid of this side, and did not forget Suzaku, she threw a fruit in her pocket to Suzaku, and Suzaku caught up with doubt.

The Elf King blinked his eyes. How did he look at the fruit, the more he thought it was the fruit of the tree of life?

"I am not hungry." Suzaku looked at the fruit in his hand, and he was not interested in the fruit of the elf.

"Eating can make you recover from your injuries." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

"This is the fruit of the tree of life?" Suzaku immediately reacted.

Shen Yan Xiao nodded.

The expression of Elf King is a bit tangled...

This gimmick is so blatant to take out his own stolen goods in the face of the owner, really no problem!

Although I said that I will now promise all the requirements of Shen Yanxiao, but...

This is to take and steal... It’s totally two concepts! !

“How long does it take to completely remove the pollution in the tree of life?” Wenya watched her daughter feed the two animals, and asked the key questions.

"According to the last time you used to eat the tree of life, the fastest two months, if you slow down, it may take three months." Elf King tried hard to forget the existence of the fruit of the tree of life.

Wenya nodded.

Shen Yanxiao listened quietly to the side, and the time of two or three months was just right for her. She took the opportunity to break through the last layer of seals, and then she could return to the bright continent with her and Wenya.

I don’t know the five birds on the bright continent. How is the beast now?

As soon as I thought of my partner on the bright continent, Shen Yanxiao’s face could not help but raise a smile.

Time will soon pass.

She will return to her own territory sooner or later!


Nine ends

[Yy promised during the event, plus a more chapter. 】

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