The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1460: Illusion gathering (3)

"Hey! Don't show us such a hot picture as soon as we come." Yang Shufu, if it wasn't for Shen Yanxiao, they couldn't believe it, the one who was with a man. It’s their little girl!

This girl is too big!

I just had a fifteenth birthday today!

Still luoli, there is wood!

"Don't stop me, I'm going to kill the wild man!" Donaghy rolled up his cuffs, gnashing his teeth and squinting his back.

Dare to harm their little luoli, this is going to kill!

Shen Yanxiao looked up at the sky, the five familiar faces, the eyes were full of surprises.

"You are here?" Shen Yanxiao did not notice five birds, the horrified expression on the beast's face, and the smile.

"Kirin, let us go." Qi Xia gently patted the back of Kirin.

Kirin and Qinglong immediately flew down, and Qi Xia Wu brushed the floor.

"Xiao Xiao, you must let go, don't collapse your face." Donnazhi squeaked his fist.

"Ah?" Shen Yanxiao did not understand what was going on for a while, how the five little friends who had not seen for months were now so serious.

Yan Yu opened Shen Yanxiao from the side of Xiu Xiu, and the remaining four people directly rounded up the look of indifference.

"Wait! What are you doing?" Shen Yanxiao dumbfounded, what is the situation.

"You give me the truth, wait for you to clean up!" Donna told Xiao Yan Xiao Xiao.

"..." Shen Yanxiao felt that he had not seen it for half a year, and someone’s courage seemed to have grown a lot.

Donna changed his head and prepared to unite his partner to beat the guy who had their little luoli, but the strange situation happened.

Qi Xia, Yang Xi and Li Xiao Wei are all in the same place, not at all.

The rise of the doubts of Donnazhi was stunned.

"" Donaghar’s stuttering opening, staring at the pair of golden scorpions that look like the sun.

Golden eyes, that is the color that only the Protoss will have!

"That... I remember, the Protoss is not already..." Li Xiaowei looked at his partner and secretly made a movement to wipe the neck.

"At least, my grandfather said this to me." Yang Shu nodded.

Qi Xia blinked and looked at the man who was in no way inferior to the five of them, suspected of the Protoss.

In all fairness, the appearance of the repair is enough to kill them five, and the temperament is even more incomparable to the five of them.

This is the temperament accumulated in years of years, the spirit of the king soaked in the **** battle. Although they are very good in Qixia, they are still young and have limited experience. They have the excellence of the pride of the sky, but they are not the foundation of the years.

"You are a protoss?" asked Qi Xia.

He raised his eyes and looked at Xia Xia. He is no stranger to the five youngsters of the Illusion. These teenagers are very good at Shen Yanxiao. They are the partners of Shen Yanxiao and fight side by side. Maybe they love the house and Wu, and they will answer hard. The problem of others.


There are already answers in the mind, but the five birds, after hearing the response from the repair, still pumped a cold air!


Extinct the Protoss for nearly 10,000 years!

Actually still alive? This makes them afraid to believe!

"What is your relationship with Xiao Xiao?" Qi Xiaqiang suppressed the shock of his heart and asked calmly.

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