The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1475: The First City of Bright Mainland (5)

Before Shen Yanxiao left, repairing the hell-style training for the high-level demon is definitely a nightmare for the life of Futuo.

Although the repairs followed Shen Yanxiao, but the deterrence still exists, Buddhism is absorbing the new high-level demon, but also passing on the training methods left by the repairs. The high-level demons in the ridiculous places on weekdays are busy with each other. But once there is a need, they will become the first corps of Shen Yanxiao!

"I am very curious, you are now fighting." Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes and did not participate in the training of the high demon. The closed training did not know what to do in the end. She was very curious. In the battle of the future, these demons can not play the strength that makes her marvel.

"You can rest assured that we will not let you down when we are!"

Shen Yanxiao smiled and nodded.

The high-level demons on the side looked at Shen Yanxiao’s eyes full of curiosity and respect. Under the brainwashing of these older generations of high-level demons, they had subconsciously made Shen Yanxiao the lord of all their demons.

Do not!

To be precise, Shen Yanxiao is their food and clothing parents!

Hold the thigh or something, be determined to be determined!

After leaving the demon union, Shen Yanxiao came to the Magic Auction House. The materials she had previously shipped back from the Shenyue Continent were now piled up in the Magic Auction House.

Qi Xia is preparing to hold a grand auction after Shen Yanxiao returns, in order to declare the return of Shen Yanxiao.

"For the time being, bows and arrows are not for sale. Let us use them for the first time. The pharmacists can sell them at the master level. All the masters and above are retained, so that the forging masters responsible for Yangxi will build the wood that I brought back. I want to upgrade the equipment of all the archers in the city!"

Shen Yanxiao was very busy. On the first day of her return to the day, she was busy like a gyro.

For the next long time, she had to inspect her territory one by one and put it all in her hands again.

Ye Qing and Yun Yun moved very early to the day, Ye Qing has broken through the level of the master-level pharmacy, and became the only mentor-level pharmacist in the bright continent, and Yunxiao also recovered after receiving the blood banquet. Peak strength.

Everything seems to be developing towards a better future.

But no one would have thought that on the third day after Shen Yanxiao’s return, in a valley somewhere in the bright continent, a man in a black cloak knocked on the word "broken star palace". door.

No one would have thought that this broken star palace, which only appeared in the legend, would be hidden in such a narrow valley.

The heavy door opened, and an old man glared at the cloak man, walked over the long ladder and came to a bright hall.

The man in the cloak didn't look up. He knew that the power of the broken star palace was sitting on the main seat. He lowered his head, and the hoarse voice gave a sly smile:

"I have received news that Shen Yanxiao came back from the Shenyue mainland. Ouyang adults asked me to inform the saints that they can already do it."


Eight ends

It is strongly recommended that the novel "The evil king madness: Miss Cao Baoyu" is also hot and hilarious. There is no need to see the tall and savvy female murderer.

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