The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1477: Tranquility before the storm (2)

"It turned out to be like this." Zun nodded and seemed to believe in the emperor's rhetoric.

"Yes, I am the emperor of the Longxuan Empire, how could it violate the Covenant." The emperor quickly hurry.

Respecting the emperor with respect and thoughtfulness, slowly said: "If this is the case, then is that Yan Yanxiao privately occupying the territory of the ridiculous land?"

When the emperor glanced, could it be said that the broken star palace means...

"Can... say so." The emperor was uneasy.

"Very good, if this is the case, then Shen Yanxiao is the territory that illegally invaded the ridiculous land. As one of the countries of the bright continent, I believe that the Longxuan Empire has this obligation to eradicate such illegal encroachment." Respect.

"That is that!" The emperor wiped the cold sweat, and the broken star palace was to deal with Shen Yanxiao!

For this, the emperor absolutely lifts his hands and feet in favor!

Shen Yanxiao has left the Longxuan Empire, but she has taken up all the sites of the Longxuan Empire in the ridiculous land. The emperor just wants to get people to go in and open up and there is no place to go.

If you can't use it for yourself, it's better to ruin it.

The emperor has long been dissatisfied with Shen Yanxiao for a long time, but the forces of the five major families have been supporting Shen Yanxiao, and the emperor dare not act rashly.

If it is a broken star palace, then...

"So, I hope that the Longxuan Empire will be early, and my broken star palace will pay attention to your movements." The Sayādaw nodded with satisfaction.


The emperor was dumbfounded. He thought that it was the broken star palace to deal with Shen Yanxiao. The army of Longxuan enemy country was just a soy sauce, but he did not expect that the broken star palace actually wanted to be on the wall!

What a joke!

When Shen Yanxiao was not fully built, he and his son and the national teacher were detained. The fighting force was properly exploded. Now he wants to send troops to deal with Shen Yanxiao?

Shen Yanxiao has fifty cities!

Fighting power is more ferocious than before. Isn't this going to let him go to death?

"This... I am afraid that it is somewhat difficult to do, not afraid of the jokes of the Sayādaw, to the current power of Shen Yanxiao, the army of the Longxuan Empire, I am afraid that it is not an opponent." He wants him to die, he will not do it!

What the emperor's dignity, the emperor's brain was smashed and stepped on the ground.

The army is his, he should not make a wedding dress for others.

The sages frowned slightly, and the emperor’s heart trembled.

To be honest, he really didn't dare to deal with the broken star palace.

Another Sayādaw saw that the situation was a bit stiff and immediately eased and said: "The emperor must be worried. At this moment, the other people in our broken star palace have already traveled to other three countries. I believe that they will be willing to help the sinners who illegally occupy their territory. ""

The emperor’s heart was shocked, and the broken star palace was to push Shen Yanxiao to death!

Actually united the four countries of the bright continent, annihilation!

The alliance forces between the four countries have no connection since the eradication of the demon. Now, in order to be a Yan Yan, will they be united again?

The emperor swallowed the swallow, secretly sighing Shen Yan Xiao how to offend the broken star palace so thoroughly.

"If there are other three countries' armed forces, it is naturally the best, but... I don't know what the other three countries are. After all, there are not many cities in the ridiculous land." The imperial tentative opening, if it really can unite He has absolutely no objection to the army of the four countries!

How strong is Shen Yanxiao, and it is impossible to compete with the strength of the entire continent!

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