The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1490: First battle (2)

Del City, at the junction of the ridiculous land and the Longxuan Empire, was once ruined after the baptism of the war, and there were no half of the wall, but now it has been rebuilt.

Although it was only a small city, when the Ironclad of the Four Kingdoms came to the outside of Del City, it could not help but be sighed by the near-perfect city that was built.

Tall and sturdy walls, towering gates, dozens of guns on the wall, showing the appearance of a strong city.

The commanders of the four countries successively got off the carriage and looked at the complexity of the city.

Looking at Del City, and then look at the city in their own country, they really have the urge to vomit blood.

The construction of Del City can be said to be tough. The entire city has only one entrance. The surrounding walls are all made of the hardest obsidian. The height and thickness are amazing. All the guns are hidden inside the wall. Exposing a muzzle, the running out of the wall, can completely block the artillery and gunners, even the archers and magicians who are good at long-range attacks, relapse through a small hole to attack the gunner.

Want to destroy these artillery, only break the wall!

Such construction is surprisingly good at defense, but because of the high cost required, there is no city other than the emperors of various countries who dare to use it.

And Del City is just the most inconspicuous town in the ridiculous land. It has been built so perfect. Can this prevent several leaders from vomiting blood?

"This is a luxury, it is so extravagant! Nothing is so fierce to make the city!" Qu Xun looked at the wall made of obsidian, feeling that he was watching a pile of gold coins, who can believe that this defense force burst table The city is actually a small town built less than a year ago?

In such a short period of time, it is necessary to perfect the city to such a degree that the cost has reached an astonishing number.

This is still a small town! !

The four kingdoms vomited blood, and the soldiers of the four countries also vomited blood. They thought that their generals were screaming for military expenses all day long, and then they looked at the treatment of the ridiculous land. They had an urge to die.

"The cheap Longxuan Empire, if Shen Yanxiao built the city on this scale, then the Longxuan Empire, which has the most city, can take up a lot of money this time." Wen Chang Lao language has a sour taste, although it has been known before. The approximate size of the city, but this is no match for the shock they have seen.

Local tycoon!

Shen Yan Xiao is really a local tyrant!

When the four countries led the vomiting of blood, they began to fantasize. After Shen Yanxiao’s death, the city they had divided was also as perfect as the city of Del.

After everyone sighed the luxury of Del City, Wen Chang and Qu Rui also issued an offensive command.

Anyway, the ultimate attribution of this city is the Longxuan Empire. Even if it is broken into a pile, it will have no effect on them.

Cheap can not make Long Xuan Empire accounted for!

The Lancang dynasty and the forces of the Seventh Kingdom began to attack the city of Del, but what made them speechless was that they had already come to the gates of the city of Del, but had not seen the slight rebellion in the city of Del.

It’s hard to be done. Is this Yan Yanxiao planning to give up all the cities and only guard the main city?

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