The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1496: First battle (8)

The victory of the alliance of the four countries did not bring joy to anyone.

Even the arrogant Qu Xun felt that this time was a big loss. The only thing worthy of his fortunes is that Del City is not owned by the Lancang Dynasty. It is a ruin that the people of Longxuan Empire are ruined.

At the end of the battle, the four countries were reorganized.

The enchanting Ji and Du Lang who sneaked into the passage returned to the day with the remaining demons.

"Lord, I am incompetent, I have not been able to replace a few siege weapons." Demon Ji appeared in the city government, and suddenly he kneeled in front of Shen Yanxiao to sin.

Shen Yanxiao immediately got up and raised the enchantress.

"You can do this, I am already very surprised." When Du Lang returned, they reported the situation of the Four Kingdoms Alliance to Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao was shocked when he heard it.

According to Xiu, the walls built by obsidian should not be broken in such a short period of time.

"The siege weapon is so powerful? Can you break the wall of obsidian in one day?" Shen Yanxiao was very concerned about the news.

Yang Shi looked at Shen Yan Xiaodao: "More than a thousand siege weapons, even anti-bombing, Del City can stick to a day is rare, to change the ordinary city wall, an hour can be bombed a hole."

"I have told me before the repair, the human siege weapons are not so ferocious." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

Yang Xi sighed and said: "If I remember correctly, Fighting God has entered a deep sleep nearly 10,000 years ago. His understanding of human siege weapons should remain at the beginning."

Shen Yan Xiao Yi, immediately understood the meaning of Yang Xi.

The repairs have been sleeping all the time, and it is impossible to understand the human weapons in real time.

It is not surprising that thousands of years have developed more powerful weapons with human wisdom.

"It seems that we must find a way to destroy those siege weapons. If they are allowed to drive to the sun, I will not be able to bear it for a long time." Shen Yanxiao touched the chin, for the siege weapon. Block, she really has nothing to understand.

"The destructive power of the siege weapon is strong, but it has a fatal weakness." Yang Shu as the successor of the forged family, immediately said.

"What weakness?"

"The action is slow. The siege weapon is too big, so the speed of advancement is very slow. According to the enchantress, the four-nation alliance is using World of Warcraft, even if the speed is not fast, and the range of the siege weapon is Fixed, can not be adjusted like a gun, so once you get close to the siege weapon, the attack of the siege weapon will be invalidated." Yang Xidao.

"You mean, can we attack the siege weapon?" Donagrick raised his eyebrows and sneaked on the word he liked.

"Theoretically, but do you think that the alliance of the four countries is a fool? They must be very strict with the guards of the siege weapons. We want to sneak into it, it is not so easy, and even if we can sneak in to destroy a siege weapon, It will immediately attract their attention. It is too difficult to start again." Qi Xia shook his head, and the method of Donag is not feasible.

Shen Yanxiao did not speak, she just squinted and thought, could there be a way to destroy the siege weapons of the Four Kingdoms Alliance.

The siege weapons are too devastating for the destruction of the city walls. If they cannot be destroyed before they arrive, then it is definitely a disaster for them.

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