The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1498: Smoke from four (2)

Choose other roads and they have to go through more cities.

"But how do I feel that it is difficult to rely on these siege weapons? Shen Yanxiao seems to have many beasts under his hand. The broken star palace does not intend to shoot it himself. We have no good way to deal with those beasts." I feel a headache.

Jiang Yandao: "I don't worry about those beasts. The number of beasts brought by the four kingdoms is as many as twenty-four. Even if there are so many beasts under Shen Yanxiao, we can block them. I am afraid that , Shen Yanxiao."

"She?" Stone looked at Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yandao: "You are not a person of the Longxuan Empire. I don't know about Shen Yanxiao. She is a terrible girl. You may not be able to imagine that she was still a shame of the Suzaku family two or three years ago. I can't cultivate magical and vindictive waste, but after two or three years, she became enough to alarm the existence of the four countries, including me, I don't know how many hands she has."

The horror of Shen Yanxiao is that she can never be allowed to guess how much strength she hides in the dark.

"I don't think at all. Just because of our siege weapons, we can take her down. A girl who has the power to destroy several cities is definitely not a good character. Her decisiveness and ignorance are only for us. There are few that can be compared with it.” Jiang Yan’s tone is not too good. The victory of this time has not only made him feel any joy, but he has become more worried about the final battle.

The stone rubbed his eyes and said nothing.

"Headmaster, I have an idea, I wonder if you are willing to cooperate."

"Please speak."

"I want to ask you to send a new batch of siege weapons to the Brothers Alliance of the Shenfeng Alliance." Jiang Yandao.


"If we continue this way, when we are not attacking the day, the siege weapons will obviously not be enough. If we can mobilize more siege weapons, I believe that they can be foolproof. I will go to Wen later. The elders and the Marquis of Qu Xuan talked about this big move. If we can't completely eliminate Shen Yanxiao, then her survival will become a nightmare for our four countries. We ruined so many cities, if she Breathing out, it will definitely start a crazy counterattack against our four countries, so this time, we must completely destroy her." Jiang Yan's deep heart, has an inexplicable fear of Shen Yanxiao.

After struggling with the sand for dozens of years, he is very clear that opponents like Shen Yanxiao must be wiped out once.

Otherwise, her revenge in the future is definitely not something they can afford.

Jiang Yan’s words made Shi Jie into a meditation.

"I promise you, give me a reply and give it a try." Shi Yan took a deep breath and agreed to Jiang Yan's request.

Others may not understand, but Ishigaki is very clear, they are now standing on the opposite side of Shen Yanxiao, whether they are victory or failure, the hatred between Shen Yanxiao has been settled.

Either send Shen Yanxiao completely into hell, or it is their disaster.

Jiang Yan smiled after receiving the response from Shi Lang. He did not notice that the dragon jump outside a few steps has been staring at him with a face, his dialogue with Shi Jie, word-to-word. Fall into the ear of Long Yue.

Long Yue blinked and looked at the gray sky.

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