The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1506: Counterattack, start! (2)

But Shen Yanxiao’s counterattack is only the beginning.

The Lancang dynasty’s siege weapon was lost in half, causing an uproar in the four-nation alliance. All the troops began to take care of their siege weapons. Even Qu Xun had let some soldiers stand on the siege weapons directly. I didn't tie myself on it.

However, strange things have not happened again.

Everything seems to be a dream.

The iron ride of the Four Kingdoms Alliance continues to move in the direction of the sun.

On the side of Shen Yanxiao, Tang Nazhi and Li Xiaowei led all the disciples of the Xuanwu family, and quickly rushed to the city behind Baiyun City. The array of Xuanwu family had a place to use at this moment.

When the Alliance of Four countries attacked Baiyun City, Donnazhi and Li Xiaowei had already laid the nets on the road to the next city, waiting for the alliance of the four countries.

After a few days, the Alliance of Four Nations visited this seemingly no different land.

However, they were greeted by a series of strange and incomparable formations. Nearly 100,000 troops were trapped in hundreds of formations and could not get out of trouble.

Jiang Yan, they have not had time to rescue the trapped soldiers, the soldiers of the middle section detonated a trap buried in the ground.

In an instant, a roar of sounds continued to sound, and the fire exploded, one after another.

When each trap is triggered, it will cause more than a dozen soldiers to be affected.

For a time, the strikers of the League of Four countries jumped.

The formations and traps have successively cast a tragic color on the alliance of the four countries.

"What the **** is this?"

Even the most calming sarcophagus was rushed by all this.

The traps on the road ahead, they simply can't move on, let alone dragging the siege weapons.

A little carelessness will trigger a series of traps, which will not only make them die and hurt, but also cause some damage to their siege weapons.

The commanders of the four countries immediately issued orders to stop advancing. In the face of the excellent trap of concealment, they can only send a team of death squads and carefully remove them.

Although this reduces their damage, it also delays the speed of their attack.

You can take a city in three days on weekdays, and now they spend about five days on the exclusion of traps.

In this way, just to eliminate the trap, they will cost thousands of soldiers.

The four commanders, all of them will greet the ancestors of Shen Yanxiao's ancestors for the 18th generation!

Whenever they adapt to Shen Yanxiao’s counterattack steps, Shen Yanxiao will change a new way to deal with them, and every time they can toss the tears of the four-nation alliance.

The four countries' efforts to investigate the traps, Donnazhi and Li Xiaowei did not relax at all. They arranged various kinds of traps on the roads of each of the next cities. These are the masterpieces of the Xuanwu family.

To this end, Tang Yan contributed all the stocks in the Xuanwu family's warehouse.

The accumulation of the super family for thousands of years is enough for the soldiers of this group of four countries to drink a pot.

At the same time, Yangxi had carried out the transformation of the more than 80 siege weapons that had been robbed, with all the forgings of the Qinglong family, praying that these siege weapons could be completely reconstructed before the final battle. It can protect the safety of the day!

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