The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1533: Animal tide (3)

The army of the Four Kingdoms is back!

This is definitely not good news for the day.

Shen Yanxiao came to the wall and looked at the four-nation coalition forces that were rushing toward the sun in the distance.

In addition to the seriously injured Devil and Sleeping Wolf, the remaining seven wolves and members of the Illusion rushed to the wall.

Looking at the four-nation alliance returned, each of them looks bad.

"How come they are back? Isn't it still dead?" The wolf bit his teeth, the cave wolf mercenary group died in this battle many people, and now seeing the four countries return, he is full of fire.

"The situation is a bit wrong. They don't seem to be attacking." Du Lang shook his head. How did he feel that the advances of the four-nation alliance were chaotic?

Shen Yan Xiao blinked her eyes, her vision is far better than others, she has seen the situation of the Union of Four.

They didn't have a bit of regulation at all, the whole army was moving wildly, and the frontline soldiers were chaotic.

It doesn't look like it's coming to fight again, but like... escape?

"Let's wait and see, let all the humanitarian gates wait, I want to see what they are doing." Shen Yanxiao's cautious arrangement of personnel did not immediately launch a counterattack.

The army of the four-nation alliance has come to the day before, and the panicked army suddenly stopped.

A familiar figure came out of the army, and Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Isn't this the Longyue Emperor who was previously detained by her in the day?

Long Yue's face was pale, and the fine sweat covered his cheeks. He looked up and looked at the Yan Yanxiao on the wall.

After leaving the day, this is his first such close encounter with Shen Yanxiao.

The once pretty little girl has grown into a girl who has fallen into the country.

It’s just that the girl’s eyes are not gentle and moving, but with a chilling domineering.

"Is the four countries still not willing to stop? Still want to appreciate what is called the whole army?" Shen Yanxiao sneered and opened his mouth. If it was not because he didn't want to fall and sacrifice again, she would certainly not kill one of these people.

Long Yue’s face was white and his lips trembled slightly. He looked at the cold Yan Yan, holding his fist tightly and taking a deep breath. He looked up:

"We met the animal tide."

Animal tide?

Shen Yanxiao’s face changed slightly. It is reasonable to say that the animal tide should still be there for another month, is it advanced?

"Our reinforcements are dead, the beasts are not far behind us. I think their goal should be that they will not fall. Shen Yanxiao, I know that this battle has already hated our four countries for you. But I want to ask you to save these soldiers. If there is nowhere to escape, we must die without a whole body! The day has not just fallen through the war, and the vitality is greatly hurt. The number of the animal tide is full, it is not the current day. If you are willing to save us, I will swear by the dignity of the next Emperor of the Longxuan Empire. In the future, the Longxuan Empire will not be treated with courtesy, and if there is any intrusion, I will die. The land!" Long Yue firmly looked at Shen Yanxiao, only when they broke into the unbreakable day, they only had a chance.

It’s just that Long Yue is not sure whether Shen Yanxiao will accept their surrender. After all, the previous battles were completely provoked by the four countries, bringing such huge losses to the day.

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