The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1547: Animal tide (17)

"You are really as vicious as ever, so passionate about blasphemy." The black man smiles and looks at Ouyang Huanyu. Who can imagine that a human being would try to design a Protoss?

Ouyang Huanyu raised his eyebrows: "As a one who can contribute to your only disciple, Jun Mo, you seem to be ineligible to say that I am vicious."

It is the first pharmacist of the Lancang Dynasty, Jun Mo, who is a traitor to Ouyang Huanyu.

"Disciple? If the family of Luo Fanfan can be used by me, how can I accept such an idiot as a disciple, but it is not completely useless, so he is now a little useful." For the sacrifice of disciples, Junmo did not A little bit of guilt and guilty.

"But I have always been very curious. How did you contact the Broken Star Palace? You can let them come forward and persuade the four countries to form an alliance, and attack the day without falling." Although Jun Mo and Ouyang Huanyu have known each other for a hundred years, they still cannot guess Ouyang Huanyu. The mind.

The defensive of the day is extremely high. Shen Yanxiao has laid down a large number of troops in various cities in the ridiculous land. If the animal tide is directly attacked, it is difficult to determine the outcome, but there is a war between the four countries. After that, the power of Shen Yanxiao has been greatly weakened, and the animal tide appeared at this time to bring a fatal blow to Shen Yanxiao!

All of this is a step by step arrangement of Ouyang Huanyu, even Junmo has to sigh the wrist of Ouyang Huanyu.

Even the fascinating Star Palace can be moved, Ouyang Huanyu... Who is it?

Ouyang Huanyu looked at Jun Mo and said faintly: "If you know too many people, your life will not last long."

Jun Mo’s heart was shocked.

"You don't need to know too much. Just know that I can be a group with you. Now we just have to wait for the end of this battle and bring back our experimental body. It is enough." Ouyang Huanyu is not willing to say anything else. He is waiting, waiting for the finale after the decisive battle, he will personally bring his perfect experimental body back to the cage.

Shen Yanxiao, this time will not let you escape again!


Shen Siyu’s solar storm swept a large number of monsters and brought a breather to the camp ahead.

Suddenly, a loud horn sounded from the back of the monster camp. All the monsters in the horn sounded suddenly and madly, making a burst of snoring. They began to attack all the eyes without fear. Humans and demons, their eyes, have been covered by a blood red!

The sudden violent walk of the Winged Legion caused the soldiers who were not lost in the day to be surprised. Before that, they could cope with the devastating attacks that the monsters began to launch. They didn’t care how much serious injuries they suffered. Crashing around, the knights could not resist the footsteps of these monsters, and they were forced to fly out!

"What is going on?" The sudden violent stalk of the beast, let Shen Yan Xiao slightly glimpse.

These monsters are like being beaten with stimulants, no fear, no panic, only madness and killing!

The enchantress is not far from Shen Yanxiao. In the moment of the riot of the monster, she rushed to the side of Shen Yanxiao. She looked ugly and said: "It is the horn of the sorcerer. This is a kind of magic weapon of the demon commander." The horn sound can provoke the violent violent temper in the soul of the beast, and turn them into a group of killing machines. Not only will they no longer fear the pain, but the power will double!"

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