The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1556: Animal tide (26)

Satan’s soul escaped again. Although he wanted to completely obliterate him, the situation of Shen Yanxiao did not allow him to delay.

"The mini dragon is the son of the wing of death. It summons the wing of death to the present world. It relies on the power of Xiao Xiao. If the wing of death is not allowed to go back soon, the power of Xiao Xiao will be exhausted by the wing of death!" Shen Siyu Look at the chest and look at the monastic.

The vindictiveness and magic of Shen Yanxiao are almost endless, but even so, they can't afford the consumption of the Deathwing.

Xiu immediately took Shen Yanxiao and flew over to the wing of death.

The wing of death appeared less than two minutes, but all the monsters that did not fall outside the city were turned into ashes.

Everyone looks silly.

"Lord of the illusion, she can no longer afford your consumption, please raise your hands, today's things, thank you here." Shuai calmly looked at this illusion of the Lord.

"Today I am coming to listen to my child's call, this person and my child have a deep fate, I will not let her have something." The voice of the Death Wing echoes again in the sky, as its voice dissipates, The tyrant of this illusion gradually dissipated and disappeared into the clouds.

The clouds in the ridiculous land are densely covered here, and the mini dragon flutters its wings on the shoulders of the repairs, and looks down at the slumbering Xiao Yan with his small head.

Because of the appearance of the wing of death, the animal tide has been completely removed, and the whole day does not fall outside the city, no one can be found.

From now on, the fascinating beast will completely withdraw from the stage of history.

The victory of the war, the people who did not fall into the day and the demon shouted loudly, they could not believe that they really survived this fierce battle.

This battle made them lose too much.

They can't forget their lives.

He gently put a kiss on Shen Yanxiao’s forehead and instilled his divine power into Shen Yanxiao’s body.

Shen Yanxiao faintly awake, the face of the repaired face in her eyes.

"Repair..." Shen Yan Xiao Sha dumbly whispered.

"I am." Sorrowful look at Shen Yanxiao, he has been sleeping because of the consumption of strength, knowing that the sacred power of Shen Siyu was absorbed into the lake by Shen Yanxiao, only slowly wake up when he wakes up When I saw Satan’s attempt to kill Shen Yanxiao, that scene brought him great fear.

"Suzaku... Suzaku is dead..." Shen Yanxiao red eyes, her squatting collar and crying.

Suzaku is the longest in addition to her, she has not been able to accept the death of Suzaku.

Suzaku died, and Shen Yanxiao’s soul was missing.

The gentle patted the back of Shen Yanxiao, his eyes looked behind Shen Yanxiao.

"I don't think Suzaku is dead."

"What?" Shen Yan Xiao looked up and looked up.

The eyesight used to guide Shen Yanxiao, and Shen Yanxiao turned back and looked at the Phoenix couple who didn't know when they were close.

In the embrace of both of them, they are each sleeping with a furry red Warcraft.

"My phoenix family has the ability to resurrect. The reason why our children will die with Suzaku is to use it to make Suzaku reborn. Now Suzaku and the child have merged spirits in Nirvana, they are still alive. "The phoenix eyes contain tears, and the little suzuki in the arms is handed to Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the sleeping of the miniature Suzaku in his arms.


Thirteen is over.

In order to prevent everyone from throwing banana peels for the first few abuses, I am writing hard to write the ending of the animal tide today.

Suzaku had already made a long time before the rebirth. The little phoenix has always been so attached to the Suzaku, in order to let Suzaku get the Nirvana skills of the Phoenix in this episode.

Everyone expressed my anger, and Suzaku will be blessed in disguise.

As for the indigo and the crane, I am sorry that the war is always cruel, the woman is not invincible, and they sacrifice themselves for their beliefs. Their sacrifice will push the sun to the peak of the bright continent. Let us remember the demons and humans who died in this war.

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