This time, even the inscrutable star of the palace is ugly.

"Go to me to check, who did it." The palace owner lowered his voice, but he could clearly feel the anger under his calm expression.

Seven laboratories were destroyed. Not only did all the dregs and experimenters die, but even the extremely rare green flame disappeared without a trace.

The palace owner is simply mad.

He doesn't care about the dead experimenters, because as long as he is willing, he can let Ouyang Huanyu train more talents who will use the technique of reincarnation. The dregs are gone, so many second-turn strongmen in the broken star palace. Just grab some to come and act as a victim, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But the blue flame, but he worked hard from the hands of Ouyang Huanyu, the real name of the blue flame is called the fire of the Nether, only the Protoss and the Mozu are annihilated at the same time, the soul gathers before the dissipated, these Nether The fire comes from thousands of years ago, and it has experienced countless battles. The Protoss is extinct, and the Mozus are devastated, and they have become a little bit of the Nether.

The lord is very clear that after the Protoss has completely perished, he is no longer able to find the fire of the Nether.

This kind of unique thing, all of them were destroyed at one time, which made him vomit blood.

If Shen Yanxiao knows that the origin of the blue flame is so embarrassing, she will not close all the rooms, at least will give them a kind of ignition.

Nowadays, the only remaining Netherfire in the world has been completely extinguished. Without the rotten fire of the Nether, the technique of translating, which is to be transferred, will be greatly reduced in speed and purity.

It can be said that the such troubles of Shen Yanxiao directly led to the huge limitation of the broken star palace in the future promotion.

However, all this is not what her culprit does not know.

The anger of the palace owner spread to the broken star palace. Although some people, they began to look for suspicious people insanely.

However, it is very regrettable that they have not even found it with Mao. No one knows exactly how the disaster came.

Just as the busy star was busy looking for the perpetrators, Shen Yanxiao had led her demon army to the front of the broken star palace.

The guards guarding the gates of the Broken Star Palace were completely dumbfounded after seeing such a huge army. They ran to the palace and reported the news to the depressed palace.

"Someone broke in? Who is it?" The head of the palace sat on the throne of the main hall. The loss of the fire of the Nether has made him angry. Now there are still idiots who are desperate, and dare to bring troops to his broken star palace. act recklessly.

"The head of the Kailu Palace, the leader of the team... seems to be Shen Yanxiao."

"Is she?" The face of the palace owner showed a hint of surprise. Because of Ouyang Huanyu’s reasons, the portraits of Shen Yanxiao have been seen in the broken star palace. For this girl who is highly valued by the partners, the broken star palace The palace owner did not agree.

Several shots, one is to break the face of the Star Palace, and the second is to give Ouyang Huanyu human feelings.

It can be said that from the beginning to the end, the palace owner of the Broken Star Palace did not put Shen Yanxiao in his eyes.

"Shen Yanxiao brought tens of thousands of demons, and is approaching us." The guards swallowed swallowing water, even though they were two strong, he had never seen such a large number of high-level demon corps.

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