The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1674: Who is the real **** (2)

After the death of the extremely companion who established the Broken Star Palace, the palace owner has not stepped out of the broken star palace for a long time, but even so, he can clearly understand the changes on the bright continent through the people under his command.

Whether it is the replacement of the kings of the four kingdoms or the rise of Shen Yanxiao, he knows everything.

In addition to the same mysterious deity, the palace owner does not believe that there is another organization on the bright continent that can cultivate such a master. Before the beast tide hit, the gods sent troops to help Shen Yanxiao resist the animal tide, indicating that the two forces have already had contact. The main idea of ​​the palace is that the powerful man is likely to be sent to deal with the broken star palace.

"The domain has never been asked about the world, but I didn't expect it to be able to sit still now." The silence of the repair made the palace master more sure of the identity of the other party, and his mouth smirked with a satirical smile.

"Since you have the ability to kill two sacred strongmen, you must have strength in the church. It is no wonder that the gods dare to send you over."

Donnazhi looked at the self-talking palace owner and turned his head to Yang Xidao: "Why does this old guy insist that the idol is a **** domain?"

Yang Xi shrugged: "Because of his cognition, only the gods have a decent strong."

Before the rise of the power of Shen Yanxiao, the top forces on the bright continent were only the Broken Star Palace and the Divine Realm. Unlike the Hidden Star Palace, the Divine is more of a Guardian of the Bright Earth.

Qi Xia smiled at the palace of the broken star palace, and couldn't help but wonder. If this guy knows that a certain **** who is his messenger of the gods is actually the **** of the gods, how surprised he is.

Holy area?

Shen Siyu, the creator of the domain, is just a **** of light, but the one around them is the first **** of the Protoss, and the fighting power is explosive!

The palace owner of the Broken Star Palace is waiting for a response, but he has not received a reply for a long time.

Donnazhi and others are laughing in their hearts, but it is obvious that their family members are not interested in talking to such a human being.

It is estimated that in the consciousness of the cultivator, only Shen Yanxiao who is qualified to let him speak, even with a few openings with them, is estimated to look at Shen Yanxiao's face.

The palace owner of this broken star palace may have some fame on the bright continent, but in front of the Protoss, it is simply a pile of slag, and this dare to pose in front of the repair, it is simply not knowing how to live.

The illusionist group smiled and looked at the unclear lord. They were eagerly awaiting a big **** to kill this ignorant idiot.

The palace owner of the Broken Star Palace frowned slightly, this is the first time someone ignored his problem.

"Are you so timid? I don't even dare to say my name. I really looked at you. You thought you could deal with the realm of the sanctuary, you can stand out from the crowd! The ignorant guy, you know There is a stronger presence on the temple!"

The voice of the Lord of the Star Palace has not yet landed. A powerful airflow has risen from his feet. The wind is raging around him, with a strong temperament, and it is directed to the camp of Shen Yanxiao.

In a short moment, his momentum has increased tenfold!

"Fa Shen?" Shen Yan Xiao slightly widened his eyes and looked at the palace owner who was covered in a golden glow.

Unexpectedly, the palace owner of this broken star palace actually broke through the limits of human beings and became the most powerful human being!

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