The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1686: Dragon Blood Awakening (1)

The blue-brown glass decisively pierced the glass cover with one hand. The influx of air filled the magical power stored in the ball, the electric light disappeared between the blinks, and the heart that was forcibly beaten for a long time was finally released at this moment.

The blue-clad glass looked at the heart in his hand, and his fingers turned a little trembling. He looked up and looked at Shen Yanxiao.

There was a glimmer of tears in the bottom of my eyes.

Sadness, coming inexplicably.

But the pain in his heart made him almost suffocate.

The situation of Shen Yanxiao was equally bad, and her heart was buried by unprecedented sadness.

"Sister... What do I have to do?" The blue-blooded glass of confusion and confusion looked at Shen Yanxiao. At this moment, he could only ask Shen Yanxiao’s opinion. He could not think about himself.

"Burn it, let the dragons bring the ashes back to the mainland of the dragons." Shen Yan Xiao took a deep breath and forced the inner feelings of the heart.

Blue-clad glass hesitated for a moment, took out the flint from his arms and took a deep breath. He gently placed the heart in his hand on the stone steps, ignited the flame and burned it.

When the flame swallowed the heart, Shen Yanxiao felt that his whole heart was assimilated with the heart, and there was a burning heat.

In an instant, Shen Yanxiao’s face became pale, covered with severe pain, and the foot was soft, and the whole person softened.

"Xiao Xiao!" Qi Xia's eyes flashed a panic, he rushed to Shen Yanxiao's side, holding her soft body in his arms.

Shen Yanxiao's brows are wrinkled, his eyes are closed with pain, and the sweat of a large bean oozes from her forehead.

"What's the matter!" Donaghy grabbed the collar of the big dragon knight, his eyes filled with blood, as if the next second would kill the other.

The Dragon Knight has already been scared by the changes of Shen Yanxiao. He stuttered: "I... I don't know..."

"Xiao Xiao, how are you?" Qi Xia’s lazy face showed a rare anxiousness. He stared at Xiao Yan’s white face with a smooth look. He could feel that the body in his arms was being distributed. Abnormal high temperature.

Shen Yanxiao bit her lip, and the pain made her unable to think.

The blue-clad glass lingers in the same place, watching the heart that has been completely burned into ashes, I don’t know how to be good.

"First... lead the Lord to leave, the heart of the Eight-winged Golden Dragon has been destroyed. This cage can't trap the Dragon. I only signed a contract with a dragon here. The other three are as long as they are violent. We are afraid that it will be difficult." The dragon knight's nervous opening, who can think of this time, Shen Yan Xiao will actually appear in such an accident.

If Shen Yanxiao is inexplicably dead, then he can imagine that if he leaves the door, he will die without a whole body.

Qi Xia will hold Shen Yan Xiao Heng, just ready to leave, but found that a little bit of movement will make Shen Yan Xiao face blue.

This time, he did not dare to move at all.

"If Ah Yu is there, then it would be fine." Yang Xi was on the side of the fire, the dragon of the Eight-wing Golden Dragon had disappeared, and the four dragons in the dark room had been madly crashing into the cage, losing the pressure of suppression. The cage can't bind the dragon's power.

The four dragons almost did not use much strength, they will break through the cage.

The tall body stretched out reveals the true face of the dragon.

But at this moment, Qi Xia did not appreciate the strong mood of the dragons, because the four dragons, after breaking free from the cage, have begun to approach them!

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