The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1689: Dragon Blood Awakening (4)

Shen Yanxiao faintly woke up, opened his eyes, and saw a tired Qi Xia, a trace of tiredness makes the original somewhat lazy face more distressing.

"You finally woke up." Qi Xia's mouth pulled a gentle smile, and the tight eyes finally relaxed.

"What happened to me?" Shen Yanxiao frowned, and she vaguely felt that her body was not right.

"Your dragon's blood is awakened."

"What?" Shen Yanxiao gave a slight glimpse. She raised her hand subconsciously, but saw no change in her hand.

She was really afraid that she suddenly became a dragon.

"I didn't turn into a dragon?" Shen Yanxiao looked at her own hands in confusion. Before her elf blood, she directly became an elf. This time there seems to be no such obvious change.

"I'm not sure, but there are indeed a few dragon scales on your neck." Qi Xia said, during the period of Shen Yanxiao's sleep, she was covered by dragon scales several times, but soon those The dragon scale faded, leaving only a small piece of her neck.

Golden, pretty good-looking.

Shen Yanxiao found that she had been held by Qi Xia. Seeing Qi Xia’s appearance should have been a lot of time. She immediately jumped from Qi Xia’s arms, and the side of the Donnazhi, Yang Xi, Lan Feng Li, Yi and Suzaku also Wrap it up.

"You can be considered to be awake." Donnazhi looked at the well-prepared Shen Yanxiao, and he was relieved. These days, they really scared them.

"I have been sleeping for a few days?" Shen Yan Xiao Yan eyebrows, long sleepiness made her head a bit bleak.

"Five days." Yang Xidao.

"So long?" Shen Yanxiao looked at Qi Xia, if she did not guess wrong, these five days should not have moved.

He just stood there and held him for five days.

Qi Xia pulled the corner of his mouth and tiredly put his hands on Donnazhi's body.

"You wake up, I have to rest and rest, the weight of the little girl is not light."

"..." Shen Yan Xiao Mo, is this saying that she is fat?

In fact, Shen Yanxiao's weight is very light, otherwise Qi Xia can not insist on five days, but during her drowsiness, the high temperature of the body is really unbearable, Qi Xia did not dare to use the frost body to lower body temperature, only Can be tormented in the invasion of high temperatures.

In the darkroom, the three dragons squatted on the ground, and a man walked to the side of Shen Yanxiao: "I am a shallow abyss, a four-winged red dragon, and there is the blood of my king in your body."

Shen Yanxiao slightly glimpsed, she has already guessed that her awakening of dragon blood is likely to be related to the heart of the dragon.

Asahi and the other three dragons are very polite to Shen Yanxiao, probably because she has the smell of their king.

Shen Yanxiao took a break and learned the placement of the demons from the mouth of Donna.

She tried to find a repair and found that she was repaired in a deep sleep. She didn't want to disturb the rest, so she could only ask Shen Siyu why she didn't change her awakening after the return of the day.

After Shen Yanxiao was awake, she did not leave immediately. She let the people in the dark room go to rest for two days. During this time, she took the demon to the slave market of the Forgotten Mark, only two days. Time, the largest slave market in the bright continent was completely destroyed by Shen Yanxiao, the slave owners fled and the remaining slaves were received by Yan Yanxiao.

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