The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1694: The first person in Bright China (5)

The leaders of the four countries have recently encountered very depressed things.

Not long after being blackmailed by Xiao Yan, they received an invitation from the Broken Star Palace.

Less than a month before and after, the sacred people of the Broken Star Palace visited the past from the emperors of the four kingdoms, and only one meaning was conveyed.

Their palace mainly "talks" to the superiors of the four countries.

Although the four countries have contact with the Broken Star Palace, they are only limited to meeting with a few of them. But they are going to break the Star Palace... I don’t think they are in place, even the previous emperors, no one. I personally went to the broken star palace.

If it was before the broken star palace issued an invitation to the four countries, the four countries' top-ranking people were determined to go to visit before they were ready to go, but the situation is different now!

Some time ago, they had contact with Shen Yanxiao, and they turned into a jade. This will break the Star Palace and invite them to "talk"! !

Broken Star Palace and Shen Yanxiao are dead rivals!

This "talking" refers to what they are going to do.

The descendants of the four kingdoms, after the departure of the Wind Supreme, and the same as the singer, gathered all the think tanks together, and went on or not to have a heated discussion.

Go, life and death are not clear, 90% are unlucky.

But don't go, it is absolutely dead, no doubt, just ignore the "invitation" of the broken star palace, so do not give face, enough for them to die millions of times.

In the end, the four countries have a common choice to go. There are still 10% of the possibilities. They can be perfect, and it’s better than the mortal situation.

With the mentality of "it is likely to be broken by the Star Palace", the people of the four countries will let the people under their hands prepare for the best treasures that can be found in the country. In any case, the gifts will be prepared first. It is also good to let the broken star palace eliminate the fire.

The emperor of the Longxuan Empire wanted to bring a strong man and the army to be strong, but the words of the Longyue Prince made him dismiss the idea.

"Even if you bring the army of the whole country, the people who want to kill the broken star palace can't escape. And this will only irritate them." Long Yue has grown more and more steady under several incidents, and gradually has a king. There are eyes and minds.

In the end, the four countries took only a small team of people to deliver gifts.

As for why you don’t need to take the ring, it’s natural to show that they bring a lot of things.

The visual impact of dozens of carriages is naturally larger than that of a small carriage.

The Wind Supreme is waiting for the superiors of the four countries at the intersection of the four countries.

Seven days later, the team of the four countries has appeared outside this small tea house.

The four countries that have fought each other for thousands of years are now a grasshopper on a rope.

In addition to the emperor himself, the Longxuan empire was accompanied by the Yuan Yuanguo, who was wanted to follow, but was rejected by the emperor.

If the Broken Star Palace really wants to target them, this trip must be fierce and less, he can die, because the Chuanjun of the Longxuan Empire has grown to its own side, as long as the dragon is still alive, the Longxuan Empire will not be chaotic.

The king of the Lancang dynasty was also neat in the Emperor of the Longxuan Empire. Apart from the accompanying troops, even a lord of the Lord did not wear it.

However, the members of the Seventh National and the Kamikaze Alliance and the members of the Brotherhood are all in line, because this time the Star Palace invites all the powers of the four countries, and the highest organizations of the Seven Kingdoms and the Kamikaze Alliance must all appear.

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