The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1697: This world is fantastic (1)

Standing outside the Undercity, the four countries have different expressions.

The wind lord seems to have not found the eccentricity of these people, and he has entered the city.

You look at me in the four countries, I look at you, it seems that they are waiting for the other side to act.

Until the wind lord has entered the city, the team of the four countries has followed the scalp.

The more they get confused, the more they are!

The Broken Star Palace invited them to invite the ridiculous land, the city that was occupied by Shen Yanxiao.

How do you think this is wrong?

However, in front of the broken star palace, the four countries' superiors are afraid to say a question. They can only follow the wind sages honestly.

The vast dark city, under the heavy gold of Shen Yanxiao, is not inferior to the sun, but the people and demons here are relatively less.

Walking on the street, only a few high-level demons who passed by occasionally cast curious eyes on such a team, but soon they went to work on their own.

In the Undercity, in addition to the striking city hall, there is a tall building, located on the east side of the Undercity, next to the city government.

In the eyes of the doubts of the four kingdoms, the Wind Supreme went to the huge building and raised his hand and knocked on the locked door.

This is here?

The four kingdoms are a bit dumbfounded. They have not been able to hide the position of the Star Palace on the way. They have been able to cover their position for nearly 10,000 years. The selection of the Broken Star Palace must be very concealed, even if they are ridiculous. They also feel that the Broken Star Palace is either built in a deserted place or built directly in a dungeon.

But this is extremely eye-catching, what is the high-rise building in the main city?

The door was opened, and two of the two strong men stood at the entrance, and they were indifferent, and they did not put the top of the four countries in their eyes.

"The palace owner has been waiting in the hall." One of the strong men said to the wind.

The wind lord clicked and turned to look at the nervous four-nation superiors.

"The Palace Lord will personally meet with you. What should you do? I should not have to say more."

"We understand." The king of the Lancang dynasty nodded, and the lord of the broken star palace never appeared before the people. They only knew that the other party was the only surviving human hero in the battle of the gods.

Although the Broken Star Palace and the Divine Realm are the two organizations of the Bright Continent, the four kingdoms of the Divine Continent are still quite courteous. The superiors of the Four Kingdoms have more or less contact with the Holy Land of the Divine Realm, knowing that the Divines have always been sympathetic .

However, the Broken Star Palace is completely different. The Broken Star Palace only gives them deterrence and fear.

Seeing, they will see the palace of the broken star palace. The superiors of the four countries are more nervous than one. Until now, they have not guessed why the broken star palace owner wants to talk to them. Why is the broken star palace? Appeared in the Undercity.

Countless questions piled up in their hearts, but fear has made them breathless.

If they are not careful, they may have to be buried here.

The wind lord nodded with satisfaction and turned and walked with the superiors of the four kingdoms toward the hall.

When crossing the main hall, the superiors of the four countries kept their heads low. They dared not look around, fearing that they would make a rude move and bring disaster.

Finally, they came to the hall, and the wind lords stopped and they followed the place.

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