The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1707: All the people are soldiers (3)

"Okay." Blue-clad did not ask even if he asked, and he agreed.

For the trust and dependence of the blue-brassed glass on Shen Yanxiao, Qi Xia has become accustomed to it. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Shen Yanxiao let the blue-brown glass die, this young boy will not look at the self-disconnected meridians.

If you say that the world is the most compliant with Shen Yanxiao, it is estimated that it is blue seal glass.

Shen Yanxiao murdered, he helped her to kill, Shen Yanxiao set fire, he followed her to set fire, whether the matter is fair or not, as long as it is said by Shen Yanxiao, blue seal glass will not hesitate and doubt.

It’s a twenty-four filial brother!

Qi Xia looked at the blue-fashioned glass, and thought about the Qinglong family, his own cousins, can not help but feel depressed.

The same is the younger brother, Lan Fengli can die for Shen Yanxiao, and the few of his family will cause trouble to him all day long.

Shen Yanxiao chuckled, and the decisiveness of the blue-brown glass made her feel moved and cherished more. She also worried that if the blue-brown glass resumed her memory one day, then the friendship between her and him would be during this time. Will it be turned into nothing?

The blue-clad glass is the person on the side of the forbidden warlock. Once he recovers his memory, he and Shen Yanxiao will become undead enemies.

This is what Shen Yanxiao never wants to see.

"I want you to go to the Seven Kingdoms and kill the seven elders in the Seventh National Elders."

“When is the departure?” The blue-fashioned glass did not hesitate and pause. He only needed to know what Shen Yanxiao wanted him to do and when to do it.

Shen Yanxiao can't help but feel that this younger brother, Blue Seal Glass has become an indispensable part of her life.


"I am going to prepare." Blue glass immediately said.

For the blue-brown glass, there is no good or bad, good and evil in the world. The only difference is that Shen Yanxiao wants to kill, and Shen Yanxiao does not want to kill.

Those who want to kill Shen Yanxiao, even the brightest mainland blue glaze will not hesitate to kill each other, Shen Yanxiao does not want to kill, even if the other party is full of evil, blue glass will not move a finger.

If one day, Shen Yanxiao let Lan Fengli kill everyone on the bright continent, including Jiu Shu and the illusion, he will not hesitate to do it.

This is going to die.

One person has a belief in life.

Only Shen Yan Xiao Ming is from.

"I let Qi Xia help you prepare things. I will make you ready for the map of the Seventh National Presbyterian Church. You will be familiar with it at night." If you can, Shen Yanxiao does not want to let the blue-brown glass go, but she can't do it now. Get out of the ground, their injuries are already quite good, and they may have to leave at any time. They need to absorb strength when repairing. If Shen Yanxiao leaves the day at this time, I am afraid that it will be lost with the Dragons.

Qi Xia and others are busy now, and as far as the murder is concerned, no one of them can match the blue glass.

What's more, in the hands of the blue-clad glass, there is also a holy beast.

Even in the face of a million males, the blue-brown glass can retreat.

He is the perfect candidate for this action.

"Okay." Blue-baked glass nodded. He suddenly looked up at Shen Yanxiao and hesitated. "When will my sister go to the mainland?"

Shen Yan Xiao slightly stunned, his eyes softened a lot.

"Within half a month."

"In ten days, I must come back." Blue-clad glass took a deep breath.

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