The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1715: Qianlong Continental (2)

The flight time is getting longer and longer, and the three dragons occasionally rest temporarily on the small island of the path, but most of the time is still in flight.

After more than forty days of flight, a fog suddenly appeared in the boundless sea, and a large fog blocked the front of the scene, forming a natural fog wall.

"It’s coming soon." The voice of Asahi is full of excitement.

"The Qianlong mainland is behind this fog?" Shen Yan Xiaodao.

"The Qianlong continent is in this fog. There are many volcanoes in the Qianlong continent. The volcano evaporates a lot of gas and spiritual power to form such a fog." Asahi explained.

"It's no wonder how humans can find them, and they can't find the habitat of the dragons." Shen Yanxiao nodded, such a large fog, if unfamiliar people, they simply did not dare to approach, even if there were human ships sailing here, Seeing such a large fog, it will subconsciously transfer the channel, it is impossible to go inside.

After crossing the fog, I missed the Qianlong continent.

"We have to enter the foggy area. You use magic and vindictiveness to do some protection. The steam in this mist is very hot and will burn your human skin." Asahi reminded them before entering the fog.

Shen Yanxiao and Yangshu were ready immediately.

The three dragons quickly rushed into the fog.

The thick fog covers everything around you, and the sense of direction will soon be lost in the fog. Except for the dragons who have the influence on the Qianlong continent, anyone who wants to find the right direction in this fog is very difficult.

For half a day, Shen Yanxiao flew in the fog, even though they had already formed protection on the surface of the body with vindictiveness, they could still feel the high temperature in the fog.

Ordinarily don't say that through this fog, just want to resist the high temperature, it is estimated that it is very difficult.

The temperature here is almost the same as the temperature in the caves of the lava valley.

Finally, they passed through the fog. In an instant, an incomparably vast continent appeared in the sight of Shen Yanxiao and others.

The Qianlong continent, hidden in the ocean for thousands of years, finally revealed its style in front of Shen Yanxiao!

The mountains of the blocks are one after another, and the borders are not visible. Countless volcanoes are located in the Qianlong continent. Is it a hot lava sprayed into the air? In the crater, steam is soaring and blended into the mist.

The dragons have a natural resistance to the flames. Even in the vicinity of the volcano, they can live well. The fire magic is extremely low on the dragons. Even Suzaku admits that his flame can cause damage to the dragons. Very small.

Flying over the Qianlong mainland, the three dragons in the Asakusa immediately reduced the altitude of the flight. Each area of ​​the Qianlong continent has their own eight-winged Golden Dragon commander, flying freely in the airspace of other dragons, which is equivalent to provoking each other. majesty.

The dragons landed, Shen Yanxiao, Yang Xi, Suzaku and Sui jumped from the back of Asahi, and they walked under the strangeness of their strangeness. Each of them was very subtle.

The shallow forest turned into a human form, and looked at the hometown of two thousand years away.

"This is the southern part of the Qianlong continent. We have to go through at least four or five territories to enter the territory of the Dragon Emperor."

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