The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1717: Mermaid attack (1)

"Mermaid?" Shen Yanxiao slightly glimpses, the mermaid lives in the deep sea, but the ocean is so vast, no one knows which sea area the mermaid lives in.

"A group of more difficult guys, but as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke them, they will not come to us for trouble." Asahi does not care much, the mermaid is really too weak compared with the dragon.

Shen Yanxiao thought thoughtfully, she turned her head, and the sea behind it was the ocean. I didn’t expect to find the habitat of the mermaid when I found the dragon. If this trip is smooth enough, she might be next. You can go to the mermaid to see it.

"Xiao Xiao, if you want to negotiate with the Dragons to fight against the Mozu, then you should first return to the territory with us. This must be done by His Royal Highness, and she can find out the other eight-winged Golden Dragon negotiations." On the way to flight, Shen Yanxiao has already told him about the reappearance of the Mozu.

For the Mozu, Asao is also very disgusting, but he is just a four-winged red dragon. He can't say anything in the dragon. If you want to ask the whole dragon to attack, you must come out with a weighty eight-winged golden dragon.

"Good." Shen Yanxiao nodded.

Just as they were ready to move on to the inside of the Qianlong mainland, a wave of waves came from behind them.

Everyone turned and looked, only on the coast of their 100 meters, suddenly a huge wave surged, a wave of ten meters high, pouring down in front of their eyes, covering the entire coastal area, broken on the coast Stones and trees were slashed by the waves in an instant, and huge waves began to come to them.

"Not good! It's a mermaid!" Asahi's face changed slightly. He immediately reached out and threw Shen Yanxiao and others on the back of the other two wings. He immediately jumped on another dragon.

The two dragons lifted off one second before the waves swept over, and the danger escaped the impact of the waves.

"Mermaid is attacking us?" Shen Yan Xiao looked at the land covered by sea water.

In the blink of an eye, the sea has swallowed hundreds of meters.

"We are not too close to the coast, nor harassed them. Why do they attack us?" The sudden attack made Shen Yanxiao very uncomfortable. The mermaid's temperament was indifferent. As long as they did not encroach on their waters, they should not Active attack is.

Asahi blinked his eyes and was attacked by the mermaid when he returned to the Qianlong continent, which made him angry.

"Mermaid! What are you doing! Why do you want to attack us without a reason!" Asahi stood up on the back of Denon, his eyebrows wrinkled, and he stared unfortunately at the floating sea.

However, in the ocean, only the sound of the waves hitting the coast continued to come, and the questions of Asahi did not receive the slightest response.

Shen Yanxiao stares at the sea, the mermaid may be very fragile, and the aggression is not comparable to the dragon. However, the ocean is the home of the mermaid, neither the Protoss nor the Mozu, do not want to beat the mermaid in the sea. The mermaid with the ocean is invincible on the battlefield in the sea. They are born with the ability to mobilize the sea. The sea is ruthless. Even if the dragon falls into the ocean, there is only one dead road.

Suddenly the sea surface was calm, and the seawater covering the coast gradually faded. On the wet land, the gravel and vegetation swept by the seawater were scattered.

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