The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1720: Dragon's scum (1)

"After more than a thousand years ago, Qianlong mainland came to a group of undead. They didn't know what method to use to contact the dragon's eight-winged golden dragon. After a period of time, the two sides decided to cooperate. The eight-winged golden dragon is the undead. Providing the dragon's keel of death, the keel was resurrected by the undead with the undead's magical skills, and helped the eight-winged golden dragon to dominate the entire Qianlong continent." The mermaid said slowly.

"Impossible!" Asahi's angry mouth, as a dragon, he knows better than anyone else, the dragons are disgusted with the undead, and the dragons cherish each and every one of them, and it is impossible to give their undead to their undead.

The undead have their own unique abilities. They are between life and death, and they have the ability to return to life.

By the body of the deceased, they can resurrect any race, just live, no longer have any ability to think, no longer have any memories of death, they will be born again as a new undead, survive with the minds of the undead Even some undead, when resurrecting the powerful deceased, will deliberately destroy the will of the deceased, so that the reborn soul will directly obey the resurrection of his undead, like a beggar, unable to think independently.

The reason why the undead are disgusted by other races is precisely because they do not respect the deceased's spells.

The mermaid glanced at the shallow abyss and said coldly: "What is impossible? If you go deep into the Qianlong mainland, you will naturally see a lot of undead bone dragons. Then you will know if I am lying. ""

"What is the eight-winged golden dragon that you said, what is it?" asked shallow angrily.

The mermaid thought for a moment and then slowly said: "Longyan."

"Is he?!" Asahi's look changed, as if it had suffered a major blow.

"Do you know?" Shen Yanxiao looked at the abnormal reaction of Asahi.

The face of Asahi was already pale. He shivered slightly with his lips and looked at Shen Yanxiao: "Longyan is the brother of my king..."

Asahi took a deep breath and continued: "There were two male eight-winged golden dragons in the territory of my king. One was my king and the other was Longyan. Longyan was not as strong as my king, but wanted to overthrow with a group of dragons. My king, but was suppressed by my king, expelled him from the territory, and then Longyan occupied an area in the border area of ​​Qianlong mainland, and I have never seen him again. If it is really Longyan...maybe... Perhaps the mermaid is telling the truth. Longyan’s heart is somewhat gloomy. If the dragon and the eight-winged golden dragon can do this, I am afraid that only one of them will be.”

Asahi's low head, he is almost certain that the mermaid is true, he has been with the Dragon King, naturally know the character of Longyan.

"The king you said in your mouth is the Dragon King?" The mermaid seemed to think of something after hearing the words of Asahi.

"Yes." The mood of Asahi was terrible.

"Oh, then advise you, if you want to return to your original territory, you don't have to, it is the area that was first captured by Longyan. Now it has been occupied by Longyan's men and bone dragons." The mermaid said.

"What? So what about Your Royal Highness? And... and the children of my king, they..." Asahi’s brain creaked, and couldn’t believe his ears.


[12 more end]

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