After dealing with the undead, Shen Yanxiao came to the side of the shallow abyss, and the three red dragons had already become human beings. The little golden dragon stood behind the two red dragons in horror.

"Thanks to the rescue, I am grateful." A red dragon thanked Shen Yanxiao for their help. If they did not appear in time, I am afraid that they will die here today.

"Are you the subordinates of the Dragon Emperor?" asked the shallow tense.


"This ... this is the child of my king and dragon ??" Shouting excitement of the eyes filled with tears, looking at the eyes of the scared little guy.

The little guy was scared by Asao's eyes and shrank himself all over the other red dragon.

The two red dragons did not speak. They did not know the shallow abyss. Longyan had surrendered many dragons by the undead, and they had to be cautious.

Asao aware of the abruptness in his own words, he quickly explained: "I am the abyss, the guardian of the Dragon Emperor, I am the same as you, please let me protect the small hall together!"

"You are a shallow abyss?" Two red dragons stunned.

These two red dragons are not old enough. They belong to the age of just a few hundred years. When they went to the bright continent with the dragons in the shallow abyss, they were still only young dragons, and they didn’t have any impression on the appearance of Asahi. But the names of the guards that the Dragon Emperor took away in the past, they still remember.

"Where is my king? You are back, where is my king? Is my king coming back?" Two red dragons were excitedly watching Asao. For thousands of years, the Dragon King’s territory suffered tremendous damage. The countless dragons died in the hands of Longyan and the undead. They have always insisted on waiting for their return to the Dragon King and eradicating the rebels.

The look of Asahi was slightly shocked, and the excitement of the eyes was replaced by sorrow in an instant. He did not dare to look at the eyes of the two companions and silently lowered his head.

"Where is my king?" The two red dragons did not get a response from Asahi, and asked anxiously.

The two of them were already scarred, and one of the arms was broken by the bone dragon. There was no trace of blood on the pale face.

Shen Yanxiao sighed slightly and stepped forward. "There is a long story about the Dragon King. The injuries on both of you are very serious. If you don't treat it in time, you just can't support it. It's better to treat you first." The injury, say slowly."

"Yeah, no matter what, you two survived to better protect the small hall." Yang Shu nodded.

"But the wounds on us have been covered by the dead souls of the undead. If there is no sacred power of the Protoss, it cannot be expelled. The Protoss has fallen. We have no possibility of living. We just want to know if my king is before I die. Already return, do we still have hope." Two red dragons smiled and shook their heads. Even if they didn't die today, the accumulated deadness in their bodies had already exhausted their vitality. They couldn't live for long. Their only previous concern was The safety of the small hall, now met the shallow abyss, knowing that there is someone under the small hall to take care of, they can finally go with peace of mind.

Shen Yanxiao did not respond immediately, she asked for repairs with mental strength.

"Repair, can you save them?"

‘Without me, you can. ‘A faint answer.

"Can I save them?" Shen Yan Xiao Yan, she is not a Protoss, how to save?

‘I have instilled some of the divine power into you, and I will teach you to use it, and you will help them. ’

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