The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1734: Purification (1)

"It should be possible." Shen Yanxiao has not tried it himself, but the revision can be, there should be no problem, even if she really can't, there is no repair in the back.

Shen Yanxiao took out the clear water and some clean clothes from the ring, let the two red dragons clean up first, and the clothes on them now are dirty and can't see the original color.

Clean up, after changing the clothes, let them sit down in front of the campfire.

In accordance with the instructions of the repair, she mobilized the sacred power hidden in her body little by little. It is an invisible force that is not easy to detect in her body. If there is no guidance, she may I don't know that there is such a force hidden in my body.

The feeling of divine power is very slight, Shen Yanxiao must play the spirit of twelve points, carefully mobilizing them slowly.

After some trials, a faint glow was brewed out in the palm of Shen Yanxiao's hand. It was a very small golden halo, but the sacred atmosphere that came out was very rich.

When the two red dragons felt the power of this moment, they felt that the insatiable death of the body was suppressed. Shen Yanxiao only condensed the divine power, so that the dead air in their bodies could not be continued. Diffusion, the mighty power of divine power is not the first in the world.

Asahi held his breath and looked at the sacred light of the group.

He had the privilege of participating in the Battle of the Demon with the Dragon King and Dragon Skull. He also remembered that on the battlefield of the Battle of the Devil, those protoss exuded were such a force.

Asahi looked at Shen Yanxiao's eyes and became extremely complicated, and his eyes were covered with shock.

He knows that Shen Yanxiao is a mixed blood. In addition to the blood of human beings, her body is also integrated into the blood of the Dragon Emperor. However, these two blood vessels are not related to the Protoss. How can she use the exclusive power of the Protoss?

Shen Yanxiao carefully condensed the sacred power of the palm of her hand. This is her first attempt. She dare not have a sloppy spurt. The sacred power that is slightly slack and hard to condense will dissipate.

Xiao Jinlong, who was on the side, poked his head at this time. His ignorant big eyes looked at the faint glow of Shen Yanxiao’s palm, and there seemed to be something faintly flashing in the eye.

Shen Yanxiao finally completed a cohesive force. She looked at the red dragon who was seriously injured and nodded with him.

The red dragon looked nervously at Shen Yanxiao. He was much younger than the age of Asahi. He had never seen the real Protoss, so he was not sure what the power of Shen Yanxiao was, but the strength of the power. The internal organs that have been eroded by his body have become much more comfortable, and the pain has faded from his body little by little.

Shen Yanxiao slowly affixed the strength of the hand to the chest of the red dragon. She squinted her eyes and held her breath to release the divine power.

The holy divine power, feeling the dead body in the red dragon, gradually immersed in the body of the red dragon.

Although it is only the size of the palm, but after the sacred power enters the body of the red dragon, it immediately rushes toward the body of the red dragon, and the dead air hidden in the body of the red dragon is purified by the divine power. The gray mist evaporates from the skin of the red dragon and completely separates the body of the red dragon.

In the moment, the divine power will purify all the mobile games in the red dragon!

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