The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1736: Xiao Meng, who is sent to embrace (2)

Tianlong, who was used as a cushion by Shen Yanxiao, also noticed the nervousness of the little guy. He closed his eyes very consciously and twisted his head to the other side, acting as a huge rock.

Seeing Yang Shi’s departure, Xiao Jinlong, who was cramped, relaxed, but he still hesitated. He looked at Shen Yanxiao, who was closed to his eyes, and turned to look at the three red dragons still discussing. He finally With courage, a little bit went to Shen Yanxiao.

In the place five steps away from Shen Yanxiao, Xiao Jinlong hesitated to stop. He carefully looked at Shen Yanxiao and saw that Shen Yanxiao didn’t find his arrival, which was slow and slow. Take a small short leg and move forward one step, then move forward one step...

Every time he took a step, he stopped to look at the reaction of Shen Yanxiao. He found that Shen Yanxiao did not seem to "wake up". He just hit the courage and went to Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao noticed the approach of Xiaojinlong early in the morning. This little guy who was scared by her glance, dared to run to her side?

In order not to scare this little golden dragon, Shen Yanxiao decided to continue to sleep.

Xiao Jinlong stood by Shen Yanxiao for a moment, and there was a trace of tiredness in the light golden eyes. He carefully walked down the body and sat down with Shen Yanxiao, slowly leaning his small body on On Shen Yanxiao's thigh, the white and tender little hand also pulled the sleeves of the Yan Yan Xiao wide, as the quilt should be on the body.

"Yawn ~" Xiao Jinlong issued a yawning sound like a kitten. He couldn't resist the sleepyness that swept the place. He slowly closed his eyes and squatted on Shen Yanxiao's leg and entered his dream.

"..." Shen Yanxiao slightly stunned, this little golden dragon fell asleep on her lap?

Who told her, what is going on?

This little guy is not timid?

Is there really no problem in sending such a gift?

Feeling that Xiaojinlong’s shallow breathing passed through his thigh, Shen Yanxiao’s heart sighed slightly, and she opened her eyes and looked at the little guy who was already asleep. Xiao Jinlong’s sleeping face was very serene and had a tight face. Finally, I relaxed in my sleep, and my mouth was slightly raised. It looked very cute and cute.

Shen Yan Xiao smiled, gently reached out and held him in his arms, and carefully covered him with his coat.

After all, the blood of the dragons that are merged in the body and the blood left by the little golden dragons belong to the dragon emperor. Perhaps it is the smell of the dragon emperor on her body, so the shy little guy will hit the courage and run to sleep in front of himself. under.

Perhaps, Xiao Jinlong is the same breath she felt in her body, and she will make such an unexpected move.

Or perhaps the sacred power in her body has attracted Xiaojinlong.

In any case, Shen Yanxiao did not want to disturb the rest of this little guy.

From the beginning of his birth, he has been continually experiencing the killing, the death of his mother, and the death of his own family. He must have brought a huge impact to Xiao Jinlong, who was only born shortly after his birth. His ignorant heart will still feel the world in the future. The friendliness of the people is overwhelmed by the overwhelming maliciousness.

In a sense, his own rebirth and Xiao Jinlong’s life experience are somewhat similar. They have experienced one after another since the advent of the world, but they are even more fortunate, although they have suffered a lot of hardships. But the partners around her, but not many dead and wounded.


11 more end

In order to celebrate the publication of the Seventh Anniversary, the activities of presenting signature books are now carried out. The activities are divided into two holding areas, one is Sina Weibo, enter Sina Weibo, pay attention to my Weibo name [Night North General] according to the activities of the top posts Content, have the opportunity to get a signature book.

The other is the seven official stickers: the peerless **** of stealing the firewood seven Miss. The activity method is posted on the top of the post, and the prize is also a signature book.

A total of ten signature books were sent out in the activities of the two places.

This is the first wave of activities, followed by a wave of activities, but also prepared for nearly 20 kinds of characters around, as a reward.

For these two activities, I have contributed all of my monthly salary.

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