The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1740: Bold plan (1)

The two strongest dragons were the strongest ones. After the other dragons died, they immediately fled with Xiaojinlong, but because of the injury, the speed was lowered, and this was caught by the undead.

"Two days ago? Then that is, tonight, or tomorrow, Longyan will know our whereabouts again?" Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes, no wonder so many dragons are dead, in this continuous pursuit They don't have a bit of breathing time at all. Don't say that they are treating their own injuries. I am afraid that even if they are injured, they must continue to flee and continue to cope with the ensuing soldiers.

Xiao Jinlong can live to the present, and it is really the time that the sacrificed dragons have won with their own lives.

"Should... yes." The undead whispered.

"So, the next batch of chasing troops will soon arrive? It is not appropriate to stay here. We should leave immediately." As soon as I heard about this situation, I was anxious. I finally found the small hall, but I can’t Let him have an accident.

"If the undead is true, then no matter where we flee, Longyan will know." Shen Yan Xiao blinked his eyes, which is a bit bad.

"We can go to the north, where there are many dragons still fighting, we go there, even Longyan does not dare to shoot." A red dragon opened.

Shen Yanxiao shook his head.

"We still don't know the situation in the north. If Longyan can easily find us, then taking your little hall to the north will only bring him and all the dragons in the north into danger. The most important thing for us now is to I want to understand why Longyan always finds your position in such a short period of time.” The north is already the last pure land of the dragons. If Longyan and the undead are brought to the north, once the northern dragons are defeated, then this Qianlong mainland, It is Longyan in the future.

"What should I do?" Asahi looked at Shen Yanxiao.

The dragons' minds are not too smart. Although they are very powerful, their thoughts are very simple. It is still very difficult for them to consider them very comprehensively.

Shen Yanxiao looked at the other two red dragons: "After the death of Long Yu, have you always acted with the small hall?"

She always felt that Longyan could detect their whereabouts and must be related to themselves.

"Yes." Two red dragons nodded.

"So, let's do an experiment." Shen Yanxiao took a deep breath and made a bold suggestion.

"Now, both of you and Asahi and two other dragons are heading in the direction of the north. I am taking your little hall next to me. Just three days later, if you encounter chasing troops, I will immediately find ways to get rid of them. Don't get entangled, then come back here, I will find a way to solve them. If you don't encounter the chase after three days, then you will immediately rush to the north to contact the dragons there."


When Shen Yanxiao said this, all the dragons were stunned.

"Xiao Xiao, what do you mean by this?" In the shallow time, I couldn't understand the intention of Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yanxiao calmly said: "Longyan will know their whereabouts. This is very ok. I think the problem is not between the two of them. It is under the small hall of our small house. We must first separate them first. Look at Longyan’s pursuers and chase the line.”

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