The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1743: Bold plan (3)

gap! This is even the gap!

Shen Yanxiao silently bowed his head and looked at Xiaojinlong, who was stuffed into his arms. When Xiaojinlong was plugged in, he didn’t react at all. When he returned to God, he found himself in Shen Yanxiao. In the arms.

The delicate little face, red, and full of panic and overwhelming eyes, like an abandoned puppy, was suddenly sent to a stranger.

And this puppy does not seem to be very repulsive to strangers.

Xiao Jinlong was so shy that he didn't know how to be good. He turned to look at the two red dragons, but he saw that his two guards were glaring at him.

Xiao Jinlong, who couldn’t quite understand the situation, looked at them with sorrow. He didn’t seem to understand why they didn’t want to be their own. It’s awkward to change. The teardrops of Bean’s eyes hang in the eyes, as if they would drop at any time.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you." Shen Yanxiao looked at a little guy who was crying out. For the first time, he felt that he was so deterrent, and the children were scared and cried!

Xiao Jinlong sobbed slightly, his small body shrank into a ball, his head lowered, and he secretly looked at Shen Yanxiao with his eyes.

"In other words, do you have a name under the small hall?" Shen Yanxiao smashed the eyebrows. Although the development of the matter was carried out according to his own ideas, why did she always feel that something was wrong?

If Shen Yanxiao knows that the dragons have been repaired as a super bodyguard of Xiaojinlong, I don’t know if it will be speechless.

"Hid Royal Highness said that he would wait for my king to come back and give the name to the small hall, so..." The red dragon had some helpless openings.

Xiaojinlong has no name. In the dragon family, the name of the baby dragon is taken by the father, but when the dragon is incubating, the dragon king is not there, so there is no name.

The dragons who protect Xiaojinlong called him under the small hall. No one would go to call his name, let alone his name...

"How to deal with this undead?" Yang Xi was kneeling beside the undead, and licked the roots and poked the dead souls that passed out.

I have long been accustomed to the style of repairing grandfather. The Yangxi is not surprised at the reaction of the dragons. When they first saw the repairs, they were no better than them.


Suzaku is really quick and accurate, and he does not hesitate at all. The undead is estimated to be awake for a while.

"Let the Asahi take them, we will not go to the north for the time being. If they don't find the killing, they should go directly to the north and take the undead to the past. The dragons in the north may be able to put some useful news from his mouth. Shen Yanxiao had already thought about it. She and Yang Xi with Xiao Jinlong in the same place, three World of Warcraft, plus two of them, as long as the other party does not send a large force, there should be no problem.

After discussing the plan, the dragons began to prepare for the pre-launch. In order to restore the five dragons to the most peak physical strength, Shen Yanxiao gave the rations to the dragons under the watchful eyes of tears and tears.

Fortunately, the appetite is big, Shen Yanxiao. This time, the light is filled with seventeen or eight, and each storage space has one hundred cubic meters.

The tearful look of his food was eaten by the dragons, biting the small handkerchief did not dare to scream, the expression was very wrong.

Before leaving, the five dragons and Xiaojinlong bid farewell to each other. Xiaojinlong cried when he saw the two red dragons he was familiar with.

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