The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1750: You are not qualified to die (3)

Xiao Jinlong’s mind is just a child. Can you count on a child and think about how profound a problem?

"I didn't..." Xiaojinlong shook his head, and the sound was barely heard.

Yang Shu looked at the back of Shen Yanxiao, facing the Xiao Jinlong slowly opening.

"Some things happen, not by ourselves. But when we encounter problems, we can't escape, and we can't deny ourselves. Because we are not independent, there are many companions and many around us. I hope that for those companions, we must stand up and not fall."

"But...but I can't do anything. I am timid, afraid of things, and a useless waste. I can't even beat the lowest undead." Xiao Jinlong lowered his head, and his despair did not come from the environment. It is himself.

Little, he fled with his companions. Many of his companions were young dragons similar to his age, but in the escape of the road, the young dragons grew up a little, from the position of the protector, stood up. Protected position.

Looking at the same small partners as before, they began to fight against the enemy heroically, protect their own safety, and then look at their five short stature, Xiao Jinlong's heart is full of anxiety.

He asked himself countlessly why he didn't grow up and couldn't fight side by side with his companions.

Why is he always the object of protection?

He thought about making himself strong. He asked other dragons for advice and asked them to teach themselves, but the weak dragon's physique made him unable to have combat power.

He is like a baggage, a baggage that can never be rid of.

Yang Xi whispered: "Do you think that Xiao Xiao is amazing?"

Xiaojinlong looked up and looked at the back with a hint of coldness and nodded firmly.

It is absolutely not simple for a human being to be worshipped by a beast and a holy beast.

"But do you know? Before the age of thirteen, Xiao Xiao had been a waste in their family."

"How is it possible!" Xiao Jinlong opened his eyes incredulously.

Yang Shu lightly laughed, and thoughts flew to memories.

"Xiao Xiao was born in a family of human beings. Her family is very strong, but she is very weak. Like you, for some reason, her mind and strength have been suppressed. She has lived for 13 years. Found a way to lift."

"And then she is so powerful?" Xiao Jinlong seems to understand something, and the eyes are finally not as dull as before.

Yang Xi shook his head.

"It's not that simple. Although she recovered her mind, she also gained a certain strength, but that power, even in humans, is nothing, but she did not give up. She climbed step by step and grabbed every An opportunity to improve herself, she took all the rest and time to enrich herself, and even did not forget to practice while eating and sleeping. She never wastes time on pleasure, every minute and every second. She is extremely precious, she has paid more than ten times more than ordinary people, and finally came to this step. Now, she has encountered many setbacks, and she will not survive many times, her partner How many times her family was taken away because of her sharpness, but she never gave up, she knocked down the enemies who tried to hurt her companion and family.

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