"You!" Shallow depths hate, but there is no way to do it. The dragon's men are almost dead, and other dragons will only obey their Dragon King's instructions.

The other eight-winged Golden Dragon stepped forward and looked a lot more modest.

"Shallow, we know that you are loyal to the Dragon King, and you know that the Dragon and Lion are good, but if we go out on a large scale, we will go to support. Longyan will soon find our stronghold, and our current strength is not at all. Longyan’s opponent, once discovered by him, we must be devastated. We don’t want to save, but we can’t.” The Golden Dragon has some helplessness. When they think of their eight-winged Golden Dragon, they fall to this point, and their hearts are also Not good.

Once discovered by Longyan, then only those who wait for them will perish.

"Once we are annihilated by Longyan, the dragons are really finished. We can't make a bet on the life and death of a family."

Not wanting, but not.

Shen Yanxiao listened quietly to the side. The situation of the dragons is now roughly mastered. Although she understands their concerns, she is even more lamented that the dragon's momentum has been defeated by Longyan.

Death has brought too much fear to this group of brave and war-torn races. They have been different from the rumored dragons.

With a sigh, Shen Yanxiao stepped forward and held down the abyss that he wanted to refute.

Asahi turned his head, and his red eyes were filled with sorrow and despair.

"We will save ourselves." Shen Yanxiao gave a shallow smile to Asao.

"But the number of the other party is too large, we..." Asahi clenched his fists. If not the number of opponents, how could the dragon lions struggle?

If a little aid can change the situation, why does he have to struggle with these guys?

"Trust me, we can." Shen Yanxiao smiled slightly, she already understood, and then, these dragons who were afraid of it will not be shot. It is a waste of time to continue their struggle here. They are better off as soon as possible. To.

"Good! We save ourselves! I have thanked the shallow abyss. If I can save the dragon lion, my life in the shallows is yours!" The shallow opening of the shallow abyss, the small hall can not grow, the dragon king is the strongest The big dragons only have dragons and lions. If the dragons and lions are going to happen again, they will be finished.

"Don't thank, I should do it." Shen Yan Xiao smiled in the heart, even if there is no dragon lion, she has to save people, how to say that her aunt is also there.

When the abyss is unknown, the heart is grateful to Shen Yanxiao.

His own family chose to stand by while in distress, but Shen Yanxiao, the human being, has already extended a helping hand to him.

"So small under the temple..." Asao looked at Xiaojinlong, and he was hesitant at the bottom of the eye. They went to save people this time, and they died for a lifetime. He was extremely reluctant to take Xiaojinlong to take risks.

"I am going with you!" The shy little guy showed great steadfastness at this time. Although he still pulled Shen Yanxiao's sleeves tightly, his eyes were determined to be dazzling like flames.

"Let him go together, it may not be a good thing to leave him here." Shen Yanxiao's faint opening, the northern dragon's hostility to Xiaojinlong is obvious, rather than leaving Xiaojinlong here, it is better to wear it.

"Good!" Asahi took a deep breath and nodded. He naturally understood the worry of Shen Yanxiao.

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