The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1778: Dare to be a little dragon! (3)

This on the ground only caused the undead to collapse collectively, and the hands that were hit were numb. The one in the sky was also a leisurely one, and did not look at the undead.

Zela looked at her hand and had a little temper around a dragon. From time to time, she was still smashed by the earthworm. He wanted to vomit blood.

This dragon is just like a hard rock. It doesn't respond to how to fight. Not only can it not hurt it, but it also loses hundreds of undead. This account is simply a loss-making business.

Zela gritted his teeth and waited for the dragon. He took a deep breath and swallowed a bite of blood from his throat.

"Go...go to me to catch the four-winged red dragon, this dragon! No matter what it is..." Zella used a lot of effort to make herself mad.

In order for a dragon to sacrifice so many men, this is simply a loss of his blood, this Nima is a dragon, he usually catches the things he is too lazy to catch!

Seeing the metamorphosis of the earth dragon, Zela can only target the four-winged red dragon that stays in the middle of the air.

It’s a good dragon, even if you sacrifice a big point, it won’t be too bad.


Zela squinted and looked at the four-winged red dragon. The two wings were softly attached to the abdomen. He believed that the other pair of dragon wings of the four-winged red dragon must have been injured, otherwise they would not be so carefully folded. .

Although the four-winged red dragon is the lowest in the higher dragons, it is hard to find the current Qianlong mainland.

A wounded four-winged red dragon will have a lot of combat power and it should not cost much.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

It turns out that Zella is once again tragedy.

When the undead were ready to give up the attacking dragon and turned to the four-winged red dragon in the sky, the red dragon that lived like asleep in midair suddenly ran away, and the pair of dragon wings suddenly rose to the maximum. , a head-sized flame bomb, splung out from under its dragon wing.

The rain and the dense fire and rain will instantly rob the dead souls on the ground.

Zella’s expression can only be described with horror.

"What is this red dragon?!" Zella took a breath of air. He had previously caught the four-winged red dragon. Although the attack power of the four-winged red dragon is much stronger than that of the dragon and the dragon, it is not so exaggerated. Let's go!

The red dragon's fire magic attacks are mostly sprayed from the mouth. Although the dragon wings also have certain fire damage, most of them are winds with flames. Like this, the fire elements are condensed into flame bombs. Oh, he was the first time he saw it.

Although this flame bomb is not as big as the dragon's mouth, it is not too small, plus the intensive quantity. That wave of attack is a nightmare!

The ground dragon on the ground still does not stop the act of consuming the undead in the flame. Instead, it concentrates on the undead who are covered in flames. The taste of these undead entrances is simply beautiful. The earth dragon is directly stimulated by food. The scorpion ran all over the place, chasing the dead soul and opening his mouth.

In the sky, the red dragons that ran away desperately lowered the fire, and most of the undead below were low-level undead, and their ability to heal was very limited. They were surrounded by large flames, and they will be burned to ashes sooner or later.

For a time, the entire undead team was already mourning, and the undead who lost their helmets and abandoned the armor crawled under the chase of the flames and the earth dragons.

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