The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1792: You can call my master (2)

Zela was shocked and wanted to smash the undead, but he did not know where to come out, but he was surprised to find that he could not speak.

Don't say that he is open, he is already stiff and his fingers can't move half a point.

Shen Yanxiao was so good that he pulled a chair from the side and smiled at Zela.

Zela looked at Shen Yanxiao's eyes full of fear. He couldn't understand why he was a high-ranking undead who would be controlled by a lower undead.

"Don't be nervous, I just let you answer a few questions." Shen Yanxiao looked at the face of the ugly face of Zela, "very good" comfort.

Zella's face is even harder.

Shen Yanxiao made a snap and Zella’s eyes became confused in an instant.

Shen Yanxiao used the spell for the undead for the first time, and there was no bottom in her heart, but Zella’s reaction has clearly proved that her experiment was successful!

"What happened to the Dragon cemetery that you said before?" asked Shen Yanxiao.

Zela's stiff open mouth, slowly said: "Longyan wants to attack the north, so he is willing to take us to the Dragon cemetery, let us resurrect the bodies of the dragons."

Shen Yanxiao was a little stunned, and his heart was quite shocked.

Longyan actually couldn’t help but want to attack the north so quickly?

"Why is he so anxious to attack the north?"

"He said that Xiaojinlong may be in the north. He can't feel peace without killing Xiaojinlong." Zela, who had cursed the spell, told him about Shen Yanxiao.

Shen Yan Xiao brow slightly wrinkled, she let the hidden magic of Xiaojinlong body, is to prevent Longyan from finding Xiaojinlong again, but I did not expect this practice to force Longyan to start the whole dragon!

How long does this Longyan hate Xiaojinlong? Actually, no matter what means to this point.

Or, what he hates, is it the father of Xiaojinlong’s father?

Shen Yanxiao touched his chin.

"When are you going to leave?" Knowing the plans of Longyan and the undead, if she doesn't do anything, it is too inconsistent with her style.

Zella paused for a moment: "There are too many high dragons in the dragon cemetery, and there are many eight-winged golden dragon bones. General Sal can't be a private hand. He has to wait for our Highness to arrive."

"His Royal Highness?" Shen Yanxiao raised his eyebrows slightly.

"His Highness is the son of my Lord, the genius of our undead, and my Lord intends to let His Royal Highness command the bone dragon army, so General Sal can not resurrect the Eight-Winged Dragon."

Genius in the undead? This word is very interesting.

Shen Yanxiao knows that the undead creatures resurrected by the high-level undead will listen to the resurrection of their undead in the first time and become the most loyal slave of the other party. The number of higher dragons in the dragon cemetery is quite objective. But the generals of the undead, the boss of the undead will naturally not give so much combat power to one.

It is naturally the best choice to let your son take over.

Shen Yanxiao’s heart suddenly raised an evil thought.

"When will your Highness arrive?"

"Within a week."

"Have you seen that Highness?"

"No, we have been to the Qianlong continent more than a thousand years ago. Your Highness was born eight hundred years ago. We have not seen it before."

never seen it? That's great!

Shen Yanxiao’s eyes sparkled with a faint glow.

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