The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1795: The civet cat for the prince (2)

Who doesn't want their fighting power to get worse and better, so they can stand tall in front of their boss?

This kind of good thing can't make Saar alone!

So this time, the night of the night has just been sent to the Qianlong mainland, a group of undead among the emperors and relatives will come together to brush the dragon cemetery.

Although the eight-winged golden dragon must be resurrected by the Highness of the Night, but the six-winged silver dragon and the four-winged red dragon in the Dragon cemetery are also quite a lot! Get Jinlong, it is ok to get a few silver dragons and red dragons!

They are not too bad!

In order to **** the high dragons in the hands of Thrall, they naturally want to smear the image of Thrall in front of the night.

Just kidding, this is their future treasure!

After his old man turned his throat, the undead were all under his control, and he had to hold his thigh properly!

"General Saar is really too unruly. I know that our Highness is coming, but only sent some shrimp and crabs to come and greet it. It is too perfunctory." Another high-ranking undead who was accompanying the undead, tried hard. In front of the night, slammed the glorious image of Thrall.

"This simply doesn't put your Highness in your eyes. Your Highness has suffered this kind of grievance. We all can't stand it."

A group of high-ranking undead who are accompanying, can squat in front of the night, emphasizing that Thrall does not take the night as a matter of fact, without respect, while expressing his loyalty to the night.

Shen Yanxiao silently watched the farce between the undead, and smiled secretly.

It is no wonder that this undead family is so untouched by other races that the despicable factor in this character is really flourishing.

It’s nothing to do with each other. Humans often do this, but humans are more technical than they are. They have such a big thorn to put their own thoughts on the table. Is this group of high-level undead IQs negative? ?

Compared with the infighting scheme of the kindergarten level, Shen Yanxiao immediately felt that human beings were simply tall and noble, and they could pull the idiots from thousands of miles away from the four countries of the bright continent.

The gap is too big!

Sure enough, the biological brain cells that were revived after death were not very active.

Shen Yanxiao knows very well what this group of idiots want to think about, but it’s just that the eyes are red in the Qianlong mainland, and the number of bone dragons in the hands of others is increasing. They dare not go up and die. Oh, so I want to go through the hands of the night to clean up Thrall.

But this group of idiots dare not have a long brain?

They are smearing their bosses in front of Zeraz’s group of Saar’s men. Isn’t this waiting to be reported?

Although they are the higher undeads assigned by the ancestors of the undead, it is also clear that the Qianlong continent is the site of Thrall. It is said that the Emperor of Heaven is far away. Even if Thrall gives them what, the ancestors of the undead can still Get news thousands of miles away?

It is estimated that when he gets the news, the idiots who have already been played by Thrall have not left any bones.

Shen Yanxiao secretly gave the three idiots to the group of idiots with serious brain circuits.

However, she is very curious, as the prince of the undead, will the head of the night under the night of the night be as uncomfortable as this group of idiots?

The face of the late night, with the sound of the ear, became more and more gloomy. He narrowed his eyes with some dissatisfaction and looked at Zela in front of himself: "Where is Thrall? Why? Don't come to meet."

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