The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1797: The civet cat for the Prince (4)

What Shen Yanxiao wants is the hostility of the royal family to Thrall.

What she wants to do is to destroy between the undead. The more chaotic they are, the better it is. This kind of idiot is so cooperative. It is not enough for her to add oil and fire.

"You, roll me back and tell Saar. Within five days, he must personally lead the team to greet me. Otherwise, I will not step into the Qianlong continent!" Zela commanded.

Zela stunned and said again, and at the same time he ordered according to Shen Yanxiao: "This is going back to the newspaper, but His Royal Highness has just arrived in the Qianlong continent. Everything is inconvenient. My men will stay here first. Serve your Highness, and you can do whatever you want with your Highness."

Zela went back to create a contradiction between Midnight and Thrall, but there is no problem, but Shen Yanxiao can't go?

If she left, how can she replace this idiot prince?

The night was frowning and did not speak. He never felt that there was a lack of people around him. His family and friends were his servants on the other hand.

The night does not feel, but the members of the group of friends and relatives are very lacking servants! !

They took care of the good nights and good nights, but because this mission is very important, they are only sent to the Qianlong mainland, they are only these backbones, and no servants are there. God knows that they are also excellent in pampering. It is no problem to take care of the future monarch with care, but they also want to continue to be a blessing! Someone is waiting for them, naturally it is better!

A group of friends and relatives were very satisfied with Zella’s proposal. They secretly gave Zela thirty-two praises.

Comrade, do a good job, count your knowledge of the time, wait for the Laozis to get rid of Thrall, and then give you some bones.

"His Highness, if this is the case, we should come down. This Qianlong continent is no less than the palace of the Highness, and there are fewer people waiting for it. It is better to let them stay and fight, and this way, the temple has suffered a lot, we see It’s all distressed.” The accompanying high-level undead immediately put on a look of “Your Highness Your Highness! Your Highness!”

Other high-level undead souls are also repeatedly called, with the power of the night of the night for the undead, the tenacity, the hardships, and so on.

The night is exaggerated and fluttering. Although he is eight hundred years old, he is still young for the purebred undead, and his father’s protection and favor have not experienced any ups and downs. He subconsciously thinks that he is so noble and selfless, and it is really a violation of the tears...

He is so great!

"That's okay." The night that satisfied the vanity was also very good.

Anyway, he never felt that there were more people around him.

The high-ranking undead who had hoped for it laughed, and after Zella’s hand was left behind, they hurriedly rushed Zella to the city of the undead and let Saar roll over.

Shen Yan Xiao Li of course left, this group of undead naturally can not stand outside and wait for Sal, they once again returned to the big ship, Zela left the undead are also picked up by them.

Shen Yanxiao went into the big ship of the Night Emperor with such a big thorn.

Lead the wolf into the room, do not die without death!

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