The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 1978: Too bitter (6)

If you are not willing to accept, why should you create them?

Shen Yanxiao was silent.

From the words of the battlefield, she felt that the undead family was eager for the recognition of the Protoss.

Perhaps at the beginning, the undead, like other races, believed in the Protoss and respected the Protoss as their own gods.


Until they found out, their gods had abandoned them.

Therefore, they only chose to be in the same way as the Mozu.

Because they were abandoned by God, did they have to go to this step today?

Just thinking about children, being abandoned by their parents for no reason, that feeling...

Shen Yanxiao’s heart is tight, and the previous life, isn’t she the same?

Since she had had memories, she has never seen her parents. She lived for more than a decade in her previous life and has never seen her own biological parents.

She didn't want to, she just didn't know where they were, and why she abandoned her at the beginning.

Since she is not willing to ask her, why should she be born?

Since she gave birth to her, why not want her...

Such a question, Shen Yanxiao thought about countless times in the past, until she realized that she could never find an answer, which buried this question forever in the bottom of my heart, forcing myself to forget all of this.

The situation of the undead family is very similar to that of the previous life.

Did the Lord God really abandon the undead he created?

Shen Yanxiao could not be sure, such a thing, I am afraid that only repair can answer her.

"Well, you continue to train." Shen Yanxiao sighed, she could not answer this question for the time being.

But if the undead first really wants to be accepted by the Protoss, perhaps the nature of the undead is not as despicable as they had imagined before, but desperation has forced the undead to this step.

If so, is it possible for the Mozu to reverse this before returning to the world?

The selection of the new members of the Red Yan team was carried out for three days. Three days later, one hundred and fifty young teenagers selected by Kyle and the Dean were sent to the Yanwu where Shen Yanxiao was located. Xiao made the last selection.

In the selection process of this one hundred and fifty students, there was a little gossip.

Qin Qin, their female students, after hearing the news of the expansion of the Red Yan team, first found Kyle and expressed their willingness to return to the Red Yan team.


Kyle even did not let them participate in the election, they collectively vetoed them!

This matter, the original members of the Red Yan team laughed for a while.

Qinqin really didn't have a chance at all.

The last one hundred and fifty students, with their uneasy hearts, stood neatly in the martial arts field, waiting for the final selection of Shen Yanxiao.

"Hey, can you detect the dead air in their bodies?" Shen Yanxiao inadvertently asked the cockroaches in the body.


"Help me find out that the most deadly, not the most." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

More than a hundred undead, let her pick one by one, and can't finish it in a few days. It is better to let the crickets filter out some deadly.

Before Shen Yanxiao, let's look at the dead air in their bodies in the battlefield. Without exception, all of them are very indefinite, but not many types.

This kind of undead seems to be not strong, but once it breaks out, it is much more ferocious than those who seem to be strong.

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